The Best Whole Wheat Zucchini Bread Ever

Zucchini Bread

We belong to a CSA and have gotten quite a few GIANT zucchinis so I immediately thought of zucchini bread. I love zucchini bread and for years now I’ve been searching for a good recipe that makes a nice, dense and moist zucchini bread and I’ve finally found it. The ladies over at Divas Can Cook have come up with a winner! I tried their Grandma’s Zucchini Bread Recipe, with a few modifications and it turned out great.

Making good great!


Instead of White Flour I used Whole Wheat and instead of 1 C. White Sugar and 1 C. Brown Sugar I used 2 C. White Sugar and 2 Tbs. of Molasses. I also skipped the ginger (I was out of it) and nuts (I have an allergy). The recipe made two loafs of the most amazingly moist zucchini bread I have ever had. The kids loved it and I enjoyed a few slices paired with some iced coffee. Needless to say the loaves didn’t stick around long. Thankfully I have another large zucchini in the fridge just waiting to be turned into bread.



Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

5 thoughts on “The Best Whole Wheat Zucchini Bread Ever

  1. It looks scrumptious for sure : )
    I am part of Philly Social Media Moms also, so I came over to say hi.
    Super nice to meet you!

  2. ARG! I’m so angry our zucchinis bombed this year. I’m going to have to find someone who has too many (which should be everyone!) & make puppy dog eyes at them. My husband’s grandmother makes AMAZING zucchini cookies.

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