Reading, Writing, and Texting

Homeschooling in our house looks more like unschooling so reading and writing, along with the learning of other subjects, is largely unstructured. As the kids get older though we are trying to add a little bit of structure in and hold them accountable for some work. Reading has been slow going for my oldest and although…

Ask The Educator – January Edition

I’m starting a new feature here at Harmonic Mama where you can “Ask the Educator” any burning questions you may have. In our first installment we have a question about how to encourage your child to read. The answers will appear here on Harmonic Mama on the last Thursday of every month. Our contributing educator this month is…

A place of their own, the reading nook.

Yesterday we put together a little reading nook in the unused space at the end of our daughter’s bed. This space often collected stuff and was never a very usable space but with the addition of a small chair and two book ledges made long ago from these plans we made a great little reading…

Friday Finds – Writing Resources for Kids

Lately I’ve been encouraging my oldest to write more. We don’t follow any sort of curriculum but I do require her to write something every day whether it’s an email or writing in a journal. Lately she has been extremely responsive to writing in a journal. We use a numbered list of writing prompts. Every day…

Friday Finds – Free Reading Resources for Homeschooling

I am always on the lookout for good reading resources for my kids.  In fact I’m always on the lookout for free high quality learning materials of any kind to use with my kids. This week I found some great ones, in addition to the free educational materials from NASA that I posted earlier this…

Kindle 2 Reads to You.

The new Kindle 2 lets you download books via it’s free G3 wireless in under 60 seconds.  That in and of itself is amazing. You don’t have to seek out a wifi hotspot to get your copy of Twilight or the New York Times.   Although I don’t have one the thing that has got me…