Pausing to Reflect

The homeschooling resource center that my kids go to had their pausing ceremony this week. It’s a time for everyone in the community to get together, for the kids to perform something if they wish and a time to say “see ya later” to the older teens who are moving on to other things. The…

Super Science Lessons from Science With Me

Dental issues and health have been a prominent theme in my family as of late. In looking for some lessons on teeth for my kids I came across Science With Me. This site has great lessons, coloring sheets and experiments. There’s a great one about teeth which helped me to explain to the kids which…

Wordless Wednesday – Party

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Wordless Wednesday

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Homeschooling and Socialization

[ad name=”Above Content”] I was recently asked by a mom considering homeschooling about socialization and she was concerned that her kids would be missing out on social experiences if they weren’t in school.  There is a common misconception that homeschoolers are unsocialized and don’t know how to interact with others and their peers since.  It’s…

First day of "school".

Today summer is officially over. Lunches are packed and the kids are heading out for their first day of “school”. Why the quotes? Well my kid’s don’t really go to school. My kids go to a resource center two days a week to be with other home schooled kids, play, create, run around, play, build…


Sometimes I get down about things that are important but in the grand scheme of life minor. Currently my daughters cavities and tooth issues bring me down. My older daughter’s inability to deal with the dentist has me stumped and I have visions of my children toothless by 20. This is seriously not likely to…

The great Assateague Camp-out

For the last 4 years we have gone camping on Assateague Island with friends. Every year it grows and gets better and this year we had nearly an entire loop, roughly 70 people all camping together. It was wonderful. The children were as free as the ponies and everyone had a great time.

Electricity, Electricity

[ad name=”Amazon Toy Banner”] As a homeschooling parent, I’m constantly looking for fun and exciting things to do with my girls. Just recently I was introduced to snap circuits. Snap circuits allow you to create real functioning electrical systems without soldering etc… They use snaps, resembling those on a jacket, and snap together. The book…

Long Walk, Toad Talk

In our area there is an annual toad migration from their homes in parks and residential areas to their breeding ground in a nearby reservoir. During their mating migration these toads need to cross some busy roads and sometimes just don’t make it. An effort was started by local citizens to literally help the toads…