5 Fun Family Games to Play with Kids

Playing games with your children not only creates fun memories but also helps them develop critical skills like problem-solving, communication, and social interaction. Here are five engaging fun family games you can enjoy with your little ones. 1. Scavenger Hunt Instructions: Make a list of items for the participants to find. Depending on the age…

Unschooling in the Post-COVID-19 World: Child-Centered Learning

Introduction – Unschooling in the Post-COVID-19 World The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed several facets of life, and education is no exception. Traditional schooling methods were upended, propelling a shift towards remote learning and homeschooling. Amid these changes, one educational approach that has gained significant attention is ‘unschooling.’ The Emergence of Unschooling Unschooling is a child-centered…

Too Much Screen Time Isn’t The Parent’s Fault

I agree with quite a few things the author says what I don’t agree with is how she places the responsibility of all of this squarely on the parents.

What is Unschooling?

Self-Directed Learning – Learning to Play the Guitar on a Road Trip Unschooling and homeschooling are often used interchangeably but are two very different methods of learning or “education”. According to Wikipedia: “Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning.” While correct, this is a fairly weak definition because it…

Ask The Educator – February Edition

Photo By Barbro_Uppsala Our contributing educator this month is Amanda Lehrman, from The Momma Files. If you have a burning question for her we’d love to hear it, just complete the form below. Now on to this  month’s questions: Lauren Gordon from MommyBreakdown.com asks: Two of my three kids are summer babies. It seems that everyone is holding their…

Toy Fair 2012

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending Toy Fair 2012 in New York, it was great. I was able to talk with the various companies and find out what’s new this summer, I also had a chance to explore all of the new educational options from some of my favorite companies like Haba, Elenco (the makers of…

Parents Can Use Reflection to Gauge Unschooling Progress

  It’s a common theme among homeschooling and unschooling parents to have this constant nagging feeling that we are somehow not doing for our children what we need to be doing. That we’re somehow experimenting on them with unschooling and the educational choices we have helped them make. I have discussed own issues with  this here several times before Over…

Ask The Educator – January Edition

I’m starting a new feature here at Harmonic Mama where you can “Ask the Educator” any burning questions you may have. In our first installment we have a question about how to encourage your child to read. The answers will appear here on Harmonic Mama on the last Thursday of every month. Our contributing educator this month is…

A place of their own, the reading nook.

Yesterday we put together a little reading nook in the unused space at the end of our daughter’s bed. This space often collected stuff and was never a very usable space but with the addition of a small chair and two book ledges made long ago from these plans we made a great little reading…

I Need Your Questions. New “Ask the Educator” Feature on Harmonic Mama

I am starting up a new monthly feature here on Harmonic Mama in conjunction with Amanda from The Momma Files. She’s a former teacher and is here to answer your questions about education from the other side. So in preparation for getting this feature off the ground I need you! Comment below with questions you…