Shocking Milwaukee co-sleeping ad goes too far

The city of Milwaukee has put out a set of shocking ads, showing babies in bed with knives, to warn against the perceived dangers of co-sleeping. These ads, designed to scare parents, have gone too far. We co-slept with both are kids since infancy and they they are happy, well adjusted kids. Are we lucky?…

Unschooling / Homeschooling – Where to Start

Way back before we started homeschooling our kids my husband and I had many discussions about educational options. I was a more traditional let’s send them to school and do what “normal” people do kind of person and he was all about allowing our kids to make their own path, more of an unschooling attitude….

The Green Christmas Giveaway Hop is Here!

I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet but I’ve got a great holiday giveaway for you. Welcome to the first annual Green Christmas Gift Giving Guide giveaway hop hosted by Home Grown Families and Just My Everyday Life. We are happy to be participating with over 60 other awesome sites to show you many ways that…

Why You Should Shop Local this Holiday Season

With the economy in the dumps it’s even more important to support our local communities. Check out my most recent article on Technorati Five Reasons to Shop Local for the Holidays to learn more about shopping local and supporting small businesses this holiday season.        

Kids Craft – Egg Carton Caterpillars

My daughter collects egg cartons. She has a huge collection stuffed away in a cabinet waiting to turn them into something. We have used them to make fire starters in the past but the other day she decided she wanted to make some caterpillars. She got everything ready and we all sat down at the kitchen…

The Mathematics of Doctor Who’s Fez

My oldest is a huge Doctor Who fan. She has seen all of the episodes from the last couple of seasons and quite a few of the previous ones. When Halloween started getting close she wanted to be Doctor Who, more specifically the 11th Doctor. We went to various thrift stores and department stores and outfitted her with his trade marked suspenders, tweed jacket and bow tie but the one additional think she insisted on was a fez, because to quote the Doctor “I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool”