Re-energize a Wooden Railway for Older Kids

Over the years we’ve collected tons of wooden railway pieces.  My girls used to love to set up tracks and move the trains around but over the last year or so interest had wained so much so that I considered donating or selling the set.  Then I discovered the battery powered motorized engines that are…

Wordless Wednesday

3 Free Ways to Keep in Touch with Santa – Friday Finds

Christmas #19 – The Timberland Santa by kevindooley I don’t know about you but I love the magic of Santa and I try to keep it alive for my girls each year.  This year there are more ways than ever to keep in touch with the big guy himself. Continue Reading …. Giveaway Winners!

It’s that time.  Time to find out who won.  The following numbers were generated by So the winning comments from the giveaway post are 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19.  Congratulations you have each won a $10 gift code to!  Emails will be going out shortly with your code!…

Catch Santa in Your House! – Keepsake Photo Giveaway

[ad name=”Above Content”] My oldest is almost 8 and has been asking a lot of questions about Santa and his existence lately but this photo of Santa in our house should keep her convinced for at least another year. allows you to upload a photo of your Christmas scene and add in their Santa….

Finding Tupperware in the Woods – aka Geocaching.

We’re geocachers. We use electronic devices connected to expensive satellites to find Tupperware containers in the woods. This is our all time favorite family activity and its become more inexpensive and accessible than ever with the addition of gps on smart phones. So what exactly is geocaching? Like I said before it’s hunting for containers,…

Wordless Wednesday

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Free Homeschooling Materials from Nasa

Image: Not all homechoolers realize that many of the educational resources that are out there for teachers are also available to homeschoolers.  A while back NASA and the American Museum of Natural History were giving away free copies of the Journey to the Stars DVD and educator guide to teachers so I signed up to get…

The Kids Aren’t All Right. ‘Race to Nowhere’ – Movie Review

Race to Nowhere exposes the dark side of America’s achievement culture and its harmful effects on our children.  I had an opportunity to attend a screening of this film this week.  Overall it was a sad tale of the stress and overwhelming pressure today’s youth is under.  It exposes a school system in which neither educators nor students are truly thriving but just getting by, or…

Homeschooling and Socialization

[ad name=”Above Content”] I was recently asked by a mom considering homeschooling about socialization and she was concerned that her kids would be missing out on social experiences if they weren’t in school.  There is a common misconception that homeschoolers are unsocialized and don’t know how to interact with others and their peers since.  It’s…