Camping on the Beach at Assateague Island National Seashore

My Internet absence has been due to preparing for and participating in a group camping trip to Assateague Island National Seashore. We have camped here for a couple of years now and find it to be one of the best (and least expensive) trips we take all year. Sun, friends, surf and sand. If you’ve…

Happy Mothers Day!

  I hope all the moms out there a have a wonderful Mother’s day! It’s your day, live it up.

Opting Out of Standardized Tests

  photo by timlewisnm We’ve all been there, sitting quietly in a room filling out bubble after bubble with our #2 pencils, but is that a thing of the past? My oldest will have to take her first round of standardized tests next year so it’s been on my mind lately. As homeschoolers these tests are one…

How Kids Can Help the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.

Photographer: Takashi NAKANO (?? ??) Yesterday the kids and I talked a great deal about the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. We looked at information online about how earthquakes occur etc. The discussion inevitably turned to the people of Japan and my oldest asked what she could do to help. A simple question but…

Great Wolf Lodge Water Park in Williamsburg – 5 Reasons to Visit

Let me start by saying I’m not normally a fan of water parks. They’re hot, wet and crowded so when my mother gave the kids a gift certificate to Great Wolf Lodge water park I was excited but hesitant. I booked the trip and hoped for the best. Well we just got back and I have to…

Super Science Lessons from Science With Me

Dental issues and health have been a prominent theme in my family as of late. In looking for some lessons on teeth for my kids I came across Science With Me. This site has great lessons, coloring sheets and experiments. There’s a great one about teeth which helped me to explain to the kids which…

How to Make Simply Beautiful Decoupage Lanterns

Over the weekend I needed to entertain 9 kids under the age of 9. It needed to be something that wouldn’t make too much of a mess but hopefully something that they could use at home and something that met the approval of my youngest. Over breakfast we discussed and we agreed upon decoupage lanterns….

Wordless Wednesday – Fencing

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9 Super Stuffed Etsy Finds

I love Etsy! I think it’s great that artists and crafters can sell directly to us and that we can find awesome unique items with ease. This week I took a look around at all the cute and unique stuffed animals things out there on Etsy. These Custom Bundle Bunnies by littleAshop are super adorable and would…

Peter Pan and Paper Tubes

We’re last minute kind of people so when we were told last week that our daughter needed a costume for her performance the following week we figured we had plenty of time. Fast forward a week (and a cold on my part) and it’s Saturday morning 9am when we realize that we don’t have a…