ICaughtSanta.com Giveaway Winners!
It’s that time. Time to find out who won. The following numbers were generated by random.org
So the winning comments from the giveaway post are 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19. Congratulations you have each won a $10 gift code to ICaughtSanta.com! Emails will be going out shortly with your code!
Congratulations again to the ICaughtSanta.com Keepsake Photo Winners. If you didn’t win you can still get 25% off at ICaughtSanta.com with the code HARMONIC-MAMA!
Once you get your photo come back and leave a link in the comments. I’d love to see it.
Hey, Just wanted to drop a note about our photo of Santa! We took it as if SuperGeek was laying on the couch, looking at the tree… and we told Roo that he had fallen asleep on the couch, woke up and saw something… then showed her the picture… she was SO excited! Thanks for the giveaway!! This will help keep the magic going for another year or two (or three?)