We Went to a Breastfeeding Rally Today!

Today I put my nummies where my mouth is and me and the girls went to a breastfeeding rally to support State Senator Connie Williams and her proposed breastfeeding legislation in the state of Pennsylvania. It was a great time and there were several news agencies there. The one statistic that she quoted amazed me she said that only 14% of mothers who start nursing are still nursing at 6 months. That’s a sad sad statistic.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at HarmonicMama.com.

2 thoughts on “We Went to a Breastfeeding Rally Today!

  1. You know, when I was making plans for us to come up last month, I did some research into the laws of the different states that we would be passing through, to see which states did and did not have legislation on the books to clearly make breastfeeding legal. There were only two that did not have such legislation. SC was one — they have a bill being debated even now. PA was the other. I was very very very surprised about that! I guess I just always assumed that PA would have been forward thinking enough for that! I am glad to see that there is somebody doing something about it though! I hope the rally and whatever other publicity that this proposal generates are enough to get something done!

    (As an aside, I was really shocked to see that FL was actually first in the nation to make a state law legalizing breastfeeding… Wierd, huh? The laws passed by every other state I looked into were all based on the FL law, many of them word-for-word…)


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