We love our fireplace and are regularly making trips to bring in firewood. One day after hauling in my third bunch of firewood I decided we needed a better way. I have seen many beautiful firewood carriers in stores but was unfortunately not the proud owner of one nor was I able to make one appear for my next trip to the wood pile, or was I. At that moment I got an idea.
If you’re anything like us you have a tote bag (or 30), hanging around, they seem to breed in our closet. I quickly grabbed an old tote bag and made the firewood carrier you see above. This DIY project took about two minutes, some scissors, an old tote bag and no skill, but it has made a world of difference in bringing in the firewood.
DIY Firewood Carrier
For this DIY firewood carrier you’ll need to find a cloth, preferably canvas and old, tote bag. I used a reusable tote bag from Trader Joe’s that had seen better days.
Next cut out the side panel, cutting next to the seams on both sides and across the bottom, taking care not to cut the seam itself.
You should now have one long strip of fabric with handles on both ends all ready to be loaded up with firewood.
Perfect! Thanks for the great idea…