Easter Egg Leftovers – 5 Unique Hard Boiled Egg Recipes

Now that Easter is over, I’m sure you’ve got a few hard boiled eggs around. Our lovely chickens provided the eggs for hard boiling and easter dying this year so we don’t want these eggs to go to waste but a plain old hard boiled egg, deviled egg or egg salad just isn’t going to cut it. Continue Reading ….        

Article Share: How do Unschoolers Turn Out?

Peter Gray has studied how learning happens without any academic requirements at a democratic school. The Boston College research professor also wrote about the long history and benefits of age-mixed, self-directed education in his book Free to Learn. Continue Reading ….        

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I was challenged to do the ALS #IceBucketChallenge by a good friend of mine last night. I’m still well within the 24 hour window and trying to decide if I will dump ice water on my head or not. Despite my hesitancy to dump freezing cold water on my head I did not hesitate at…