A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to get a good deal on a Champion Juicer from Craigslist. Ever since then I’ve been excited to create banana “ice cream” with it. I’d seen this done at our co-op a couple of years ago but that was the only reference I had. So I got some banana’s and go to work.
This really is the simplest thing ever. I peeled, broke in half and put in a plastic freezer bag several bananas and put them in the freezer overnight.
Once they were frozen solid it was time to make the “ice cream”. To prepare the juicer I put in the plate in the bottom of the juicer that diverts everything out the end, as opposed to the screen that lets the juice out. Next I slowly fed the frozen banana halves one at a time into the juicer. It took a minute or so but then amazing frozen banana goodness started coming out of the end, it looked like a soft serve machine!
The seven bananas that I froze made enough of this amazing tree to feed four adults and two kids.
If you’re looking for a great dairy free frozen treat this is it! This should work with other types of masticating juicers but it definitely works with a Champion . I have also heard rumors that you can do the same in a food processor but that’s another post.
Hi! Great post!
May I ask how you vacuum sealed that ziploc bag for the bananas?
Also, did you need to thaw out the bananas a little bit before putting them in the juicer?
Thanks !
It’s not vacuum sealed but I did remove most of the air by closing the bag most of the way, putting a straw in the small opening, sucking out the air from the bag and then sealing it quickly. This doesn’t get all the air out but it gets most of it out. To make this “ice cream” DO NOT thaw the bananas. They have to be frozen for it to work.