We are always trying to do our best to buy organic and eat whole foods but we are really bad with leftovers. They sit in our fridge uneaten for weeks. We have things growing in there that could sprout legs and walk away. While browsing the web contemplating breakfast this morning I came across this great slideshow over at TreeHugger of old food posters encouraging people to;
- buy it with thought
- cook it with care
- use less wheat and meat
- buy local foods
- serve just enough
- use what is left
These messages are still relevant today and we try to stick by them but we in particular need help with numbers 5 and 6. See I come from a big Italian family where too much food is just barely enough. We could have fed armies with our family meals. I’m not sure what was done with the leftovers but I don’t remember food being wasted. So conserving and cooking only enough is not something that I am good at. I ALWAYS cook way too much which leads to the rotting leftovers and the small jungle growing in the fridge. So today I’m making a change. I’m going to try to cook just enough and if I fail I will try to use every morsel of leftover food in our fridge.
There’s no time like the present so I started this morning. I was reaching for a packet of oatmeal when I realized that we had rice in the fridge that was not long for this world so instead of ripping open a packet of instant oatmeal I put the rice in a pot with some milk, maple syrup and cinnamon and simmered it for a little. It made an amazing hot rice cerial and used up some of the leftover rice. My kids on the otherhand were not so conviced and are currenly eating cereal.
Please share your leftover tips, seriously I need help!
Yay for you. Because it is just us two we half every recipe and the eat it usually the next day.
I should probably make it as if I’m cooking for 3 because the kids barely make up 1 person.
I struggle with this too but have been a lot better lately. Most leftovers get eaten for lunch by me. It helps if the meal is a simple meat…then I can usually make another meal by turning it into tacos or soup.
That’s a great idea. Tacos and soup are both big hits around here.
You could kindly send your leftovers to me, so I don’t have to cook. 🙂
Those posters were great, thanks for sharing!
Do you know where I could purchase this poster? I’d like to frame it in my kitchen. Thanks!