“Do or do not. There is no try.” Our Star Wars Marathon


We are HUGE Star Wars fans and yesterday we kicked an item off our bucket list! My family hosted a Star Wars marathon. (Before you asked we watched them in chronological order, not in order of release.) Armed with Wookie Cookies and Death Star Popcorn balls along with Cantina Chili in the slow cooker for dinner later (from the Star Wars Cookbook) , we started early with another family, around 9:30 am.

Star Wars Food!

By the second movie another family had joined us and around lunch time another kid was dropped off. After Episode II we took a break, the kids ran around outside for 15 minutes while I prepared some Hoth Chocolate and a lunch of TIE Fighter Ties (again from the awesome Star Wars Cookbook). After they had run around, had lunch and enjoyed their Hoth Chocolate and it was on to Episode III.

Star Wars Food!

With Yoda Soda flowing like water we started Episode IV. I must say I have seen all these movies at one time or another but have never watched them in chronological order, relative to the story. It gave me a whole different view of the original four movies. I looked at Vader in a new way.

Once Episode IV was done we took a small break for some Cantina Chili, said goodbye to one of the families that had spent most of the day with us and forged ahead with Episode V eating some more Wookie Cookies and Death Star Popcorn Balls. At the end of Episode IV, now almost 10 pm, we said goodbye to the rest of our guests and we were the last family standing. Fire place still blazing we started in on Episode VI, with both my husband and I being a little stunned that we might actually finish, but as Yoda says “Do or do not. There is no try.”. Episode VI ended around 12:45 am and a mere 15 hours later we were done!

We had a fantastic day enjoying all of the movies with friends. This has been something that I’ve always wanted to do and it was every bit of fun that I had thought it would be. We are hoping to make a movie marathon an annual tradition. Now what should we do next year? Lord of the Rings perhaps?


Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at HarmonicMama.com.

1 thought on ““Do or do not. There is no try.” Our Star Wars Marathon

  1. Wow! I am super impressed! We sort of did this last year. Every year around Christmas my husband takes a week off of work. Last year we watched the Star Wars movies in chronological order,but we did one movie every night, not throughout the whole day! This year we did the Harry Potter series. And there’s a Star Wars cookbook? Awesome!

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