Wordless Wednesday – Turnip Edition

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The (mostly) Weed Free Garden

I want to be honest for a second, we are fairly lazy gardeners. It doesn’t help that the garden is down the hill and that we’re not fans of weeding. We usually leave the weeds until they are to the point of almost overtaking everything! Despite letting it get totally overrun with weeds we still…

Super Simple Dessert – Strawberry Sunrise

Whip up this simple dessert in no time! The other night we had just finished dinner and the girls were asking for dessert. Looking around I realized we had some whipping cream, shortbread cookies I had baked the night before and some fresh strawberries from our CSA so in 15 minutes I had a lovely…

Homemade Natural Soda with SodaStream

I have a confession. I am not a fan of water. I will choose coffee and carbonated water above plain water 9 times out of 10 so when the opportunity arose to do a review for SodaStream I was excited. I loved the idea that I could make my own bubbly beverages at home with…

Wordless Wednesday – Fresh Fruit Edition

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Water, Weed and Wait!

That’s what our greenhouse looked like on Friday but now our greenhouse is empty! That’s because over the weekend we moved all of our plants into the garden and finished planing any seeds that still needed to be sewn. Now we just water, weed and wait! Continue Reading ….

First Day of the Farmer’s Market

Our local farmer’s market had it’s opening day yesterday. They also had a record turnout! We very much enjoy growing our own food but we also make it a point to buy locally when we do purchase items. To help with our local buying efforts we join a CSA every summer and enjoy shopping at…

Super Easy Thick Delicious Greek Style Yogurt

A few weeks ago I showed you how to make yogurt in your slow cooker and mentioned how I used it to make Greek style yogurt. To make this tick, almost cream cheese like yogurt, simply put the yogurt in a strainer lined with a clean thin dishtowel (or preferably cheesecloth which I didn’t have)….

The Vegetable Garden – Year Three

We finally got our seeds in about a week ago and I’m hoping the fact that we’re staring them in the greenhouse will give them a boost and get them up to speed. This year I have decided to fill the entire garden all 110 squares of it. We have some repair work and tilling…

5 Great Ways To Use Up Hard Boiled Easter Eggs

Easter is now a memory but the dozens of hard boiled eggs in the fridge remain. I’ve scoured the web to find 5 great ways to use up those dyed delights. Continue Reading ….