Apple Pie with a Kick – My Curry Apple Pie Recipe

The results of the pie contest at my CSA are in and I …… did not win.  I was close though.  There were 27 great looking pies there and I ended up being very close, fourth place.  Even though I didn’t win I had a great time creating the recipe for my curry apple pie and would love to share it with you and see what you think.

Curry Apple Pie

7 Apples cored peeled and sliced (about 6 cups)
Juice from 1/2 of a Lemon (about 1 Tbs.)
1 C.  + 1/4 C. Granulated Sugar
2 1/2  Tbs.  Corn Starch
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp mild curry
2 Tbs. Hickory Syrup (I use Razz’s, Maple Syrup might work but I haven’t tried it)
1/4 C. Milk

Preheat oven to 425°

Slice apples thinly and place into a bowl.  Squeeze (or pour) the lemon juice over the apples and then mix thoroughly.  Next add 1 C. of the granulated sugar to the apples and mix to coat and then add the corn starch.  In a separate bowl combine the cinnamon, curry and hickory syrup.  Mix thoroughly and then pour over the apple mixture.  Toss until all of the apples are thoroughly coated.  Roll out what ever crust you’re using (For my crust I used the Butter Flaky Pie Crust from into your pie pan.  Once you have your crust laid out in the pan sprinkle some of the remaining 1/4 C. of sugar on the bottom, then pour in the apple mixture.  Cover your pie with a full layer of pie crust and seal.  Cut a plus in the top of the crust for venting and then brush the crust with some of the milk and sprinkle with some of the remaining sugar, reserving some milk and sugar for later.

The pie is now ready for the oven.  Place the pie in the center rack of the oven and bake for 45 minutes.  During cooking brush the top with milk and sprinkle on some sugar, about every 15 minutes.  Also after the first 10 minutes you could add an aluminum foil pie ring (which works wonderfully!) to help prevent the edges from burning.

I hope you enjoy this pie and please let me know if you bake it.  I’d love to see pictures.


Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

1 thought on “Apple Pie with a Kick – My Curry Apple Pie Recipe

  1. Pingback: Fall Bucket List: Pick Apples, Plus Over 30 Apple Recipes | Amy Pessolano

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