XBox Kinect at Fencing?


My oldest has been fencing since January. She is really enjoying it and it keeps her active and fit. During the “school year” she took her fencing class at a private school near us. Now for the summer we have to drive into the city for her lessons. Today was her first lesson down town in the central fencing studio. The class was smaller and structured a little differently but generally the same. About halfway through the class my geek sensor went off and I spotted in the corner a flat screen TV with and Xbox and Kinect sensor attached to it. My daughter’s class didn’t use it but it was turned on with Kinect Sports on and ready to go. Our local YMCA has a Wii that they’ll let the kids play to get them moving in the kids zone but I was surprised to see the Kinect being used in this way. We have a Kinect at home so there might be a benefit to tell my kids to go play their video games.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

3 thoughts on “XBox Kinect at Fencing?

  1. Hi! I stumbled onto your site by searching for a Fencing game for Kinect! LOL. I guess they haven’t made one yet. But bonus is I found another crunchy homeschooler! Woot for that! Thanks for all the great info.

  2. Hi, stumbled across this site looking for a fencing xbox game… I have just started fencing as an adult, and want to practice between lessons. Is there a game, or as an IT Developer, my geek radar kicks of and I think ‘New Game’? … Is there an answer to ‘Is there a good fencing tutorial game?’ Thanks,

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