Utter frustration

The nanny never showed yesterday. I’m not sure if there was confusion over where to meet even though I explained that we were meeting at a different location than the town we live in or what. I called and left her a message but I have not received a reply. It’s quite frustrating. I had another interview today with another woman but I neglected to give her my cell phone number and she got lost on the way to the interview. By the time I called her she sounded quite frantic and there was not enough time for her to get to where I was because I had a 1pm meeting. She’s going to interview on Monday night. I swear sometimes I feel like I am speaking in a language that is just far enough off from English that people don’t understand 10% of what I am saying. The almost get it but not quite. Needless to say I am completely frustrated and tired of looking for a nanny. I really liked this woman on the phone and I just hope that she is as good in person. Her reference was good not really any complaints except for things that I don’t think are a big deal. So hopefully she will pan out. She drives a Subaru so she can’t be too bad 😉

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at HarmonicMama.com.

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