Ultimately as parents we want to do the best for our kids to put them on a path to success (whatever that’s defined as). This makes unschooling interesting because as much as I see its effects and I see my children learning sometimes there is a little voice deep deep back in my head that’s doubting it. That’s when I look to unschooling success stories to reassure me that there is a path for grown unschoolers.
5 Unschooling Success Stories
- Ashtra Taylor – Filmaker and artist unschooled till age 13.
- Idzie Desmarais – Grown unschooler who writes at I’m Unschooled. Yes, I Can Write.
- Eli Gerzon – Writer, traveler blogs at eligerzon.com.
- Roya Sorooshia – Unschooled since the age of 10, runs a successful Etsy store and works for a nonprofit and blogs athttp://royaboya.blogspot.com/
- Julian Baptista – Successful Musician, unschooled since 3rd grade.
This list is short but there are many more. Theses stories remind me that unschoolers find their own path to “success”.
Thank you so much for including me in this list!! Things have been a bit rocky lately, and I haven’t been feeling so successful, so seeing that other people at least consider me a “success” is rather nice!
You are more thank welcome!