- RT @ericasadun: "Do while, or do not. There is no @try. Unless you @catch." — Objective Yoda ->
- Came home to find my family watching Star Trek III. #proudmama ->
- #NowPlaying Lovefool – Radio Edit by The Cardigans on #Spotify http://t.co/iWA6uqQnPC ->
- Had an awesome time tonight's #HappyHour @DelcoBert122 with some great blogger friends! ->
- A delicious spread @delcobert122 #happyhour #springfieldbertucci http://t.co/BoskQdnzHi ->
- Having a great time at @DelcoBert122 #happyhour in reply to DelcoBert122 ->
- RT @DelcoBert122: #happyhour underway @Bertuccis in Springfield! http://t.co/4hmJh2dxAC ->
- #NowPlaying The Night He Took Her To The Fairground by John Wesley Harding on #Spotify http://t.co/jM60hc8YML ->
- Heading to #HappyHour at #SpringfieldBertucci's! ->
- A man at my pool has not stopped talking for a good solid 30 min. White Snake, Tarantino, AP credits & getting drunk were among his topics. ->
- The kids and their friends are swimming. #timetounwind ->
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/KPbmb4n0hn ? Top stories today via @BeautifulWreck2 @LifeLearningMag ->
- I have not eaten anything since 8pm last night and I'm still not hungry. #notsureifgoodorbad ->
- Just posted a 2.30 mi elliptical workout – 90/156 http://t.co/1Q2NxKZc9Q #RunKeeper ->
- Helloooooo coffee. ->
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/KPbmb4n0hn ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @Kropotkin_Vodka ->
- Hitting a softball with a baseball bat is hot the best for the hands. #ouch ->
- Super psyched to take my oldest to the batting cages today. It's been nearly 20 years since I've done this. #ifeellikeakid ->
- RT @NAACP: We can still seek justice for #TrayvonMartin. Sign the #NAACP petition to the Department of Justice: http://t.co/iaTmvOTnIF ->
- So sad. “@nprnews: Judge To Zimmerman: 'You Have No Further Business With The Court' http://t.co/rcUh7pKEVB” #NoJustice in reply to nprnews ->
- And the low carb thing goes out the window with good beer. — Drinking an Andromeda by @weyerbacher — http://t.co/FrY3U6qp2u ->
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/KPbmb4n0hn ? Top stories today via @Leighbra @guerrillamom @Papergreat ->
- My husband has started working out with me and it's kind of awesome! ->
- I think requests for breakfast shouldn't start until after 9am. #gobacktobed ->
- In my attempt to go low carb again beer is off the menu. I am enjoying some rum though. ->
- Geeez thanks @FoodNetwork for pulling on my heart strings with this episode of #Chopped! #cryinglikeanidiot ->
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/KPbmb4n0hn ? Top stories today via @peninasharon @angelaharms @trellaspeak ->
- Just posted a 3.93 mi elliptical workout – 89/156 Last time I stepped foot on an elliptical I couldn … http://t.co/o7GsYC153d #RunKeeper ->
- It's an I need a hug kind of day. This crappy weather, yet again, doesn't help. ->
- I could never be a nurse. #JustSaying ->
- Someone hacked my mother in law's Facebook profile, created a fake profile and started asking for money. What a hassle and a half. ->
- #NowPlaying Caledonia by Dougie MacLean on #Spotify http://t.co/Ju8UuCXnSI ->
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/KPbmb4n0hn ? Top stories today via @theHSVillage @askthelc @paoloignaziomar ->
- Forgetting to eat breakfast and then reading about Snickers all morning has made me ravenous! ->
- Looking at flights for my oldest to fly ALONE to see her aunt and trying not to panic about the thought of my child flying alone! ->
- Ugh. I volunteer to bring water and there's already water here. #whybother ->
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/KPbmb4n0hn ? Top stories today via @harmonicmama @OrganicSister @Leighbra ->
- Just posted a 3.16 mi bike – Oh my god my legs. http://t.co/hD6ZbCAGf4 #RunKeeper ->
- Just posted a 1.20 mi run – 88/156 http://t.co/Xt3OwgjDCr #RunKeeper ->
- Picked up a Snickers today and saw on the package "May contain Almonds" When the hell did that happen? I ate it anyway. #livingdangerously ->
- Working on the start of a real nice headache thanks to difficult people. #notfun ->
- RT @PhilipKooke: Just completed a 00.03 m walk to the yard to have a chat with the neighbours #RunKeeper ->
- Drinking a Moo Stout by @mckenziebrew — http://t.co/UFDjDB1oKY ->
- Just posted an activity in 45:00 – 87/156 Kettlebell class. I'm gonna feel this tomorrow. http://t.co/KmEBpWZAoN #RunKeeper ->
- Off to find out what kettlebells are all about. ->
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/KPbmb4n0hn ? Top stories today via @1Dad1Kid @AmyBlevins @Hobo_Mama ->
- Not a fan of hospitals. #justsaying ->