- Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15 http://t.co/vV1C5ZtT #
- Just introduced my youngest to Portal. She's playing not. Not sure how this is gonna turn out. #gaming #
- So excited to be attending the @PhillyFolkFest this year! #
- Hanging at the pool then off to another bday party! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @theHSVillage @ponnsabra @Gabrirodenas #
- Listening to C Is The Heavenly Option by Heavenly #nowplaying #musicmonday http://t.co/AML3L4Sp via @grooveshark #
- Thank you @amazon for your fast shipping! We are almost done getting our kids supplies for camp. #yousavedourslackerbutts #
- Listening to Ghost Of A Smile by The Pogues #nowplaying #musicmonday http://t.co/XdJrdck1 via @grooveshark #
- Monday you're a rough one and it's still early! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @askthelc @interest_led @smapplegate #
- Pizza for the family. Salad for me. Getting back on the #paleo wagon. #
- Resisting the urge to call up a frind and go out for drinks. #itsbeenthatkindofnight #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @TessaDMcKnight @HomeschoolMo @angelaharms #
- Good morning! #
- I didn't eat breakfast this morning. #thatwasabadchoice #
- My kids are heading to camp soon. What are your kids up to this summer? #
- It's gross outside! The high 90s with lots of humidity is too much. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @ponnsabra @sweetmamabrady @OrganicSister #
- I watched the Dark Knight tonight, it was pretty good but Christian Bale's voice when he's Batman is beyond annoying. #
- There is not enough coffee on earth to get me moving this morning! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @HipHmschoolMoms @homeschoolcurr @nolamom76 #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @interest_led @FreeChildhood @lesamcmahon #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @ColleenKessler @mommyrevenue @DebChitwood #
- Packing the kids for camp. #labelallthethings #
- Totally starting to get sad about the kiddos leaving for camp tomorrow. #tryingtoholdittogether #