- Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-24 http://t.co/BKlkYftN #
- On tap for today sanding and sealing the coop woodwork then pool!!! #yaysummer #
- Woot! The Princess Bride (my all time favorite movie) is playing at a local theater this week. Can't wait to go! #asyouwish #
- My kids are still asleep and it's almost 10! #thisissomesortofrecord #
- The kids are finally getting up and now I'm ready for a nap. #ivebeenupsincesixam #
- Time for more #coffee #
- Liverwurst for breakfast is not the best choice. #justsayin #
- Old Navy your one piece swimsuit selection sucks. #iamdisappoint #
- Reading poolside. My choices are 50 Shades of Gray or Chi Running. #whattodo #reading #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @unschool @Libertas73 @askthelc #
- Two super tired kids makes for an easy early bed time. #
- Makin' bacon. #notaeuphemism #
- Watching some #Archer before bed. #
- I wanna' rock your gypsy soul. #
- So looking forward to going to the gym today. #
- I would like life to have a soundtrack and more musical numbers. #justsayin #039; #
- Went to the gym today and didn't do much but my ankle is screaming. #notgood #sickandtiredofthis #bummedout #
- Drowning my sorrows in #coffee #
- <3 the track Into The Mystic by Van Morrison http://t.co/2xCMUz1A #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @LifeLearningMag @FreeChildhood #
- I desperately wanted a nap today and did not get it. #imusttrynottobecranky #
- 20 min nap ftw. #
- Need more #coffee to get through the night. #
- Off to see Brave! #
- Up for some #MW3 but none of my clan members are on. #firstworldproblems #
- Today is one of those mornings coffee was invented for. #sotired #
- I'm wearing my new jeans today. I'm down another size. #nobeltneeded #
- My daily commute is practice for karaoke with the likes of @sipsicedtea and @shawnproctor. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @chrisjaure @AmberOliver @SabrinaAGA #
- Just overheard a dad telling his kid to "Sit down and stop f-ing crying." #wtf #classy #poorkid #
- One diver at the meet dives soooo close to the board. She's hard to watch. #expectingtheworst #
- I had a great night! #
- Good morning! #
- I have been exhausted for two days and now have the sniffles. #mustnotgetsick #
- My salad has chicken AND bacon. #yum #whatsforlunch #
- Watch out world it's an awesome pants kind of day! http://t.co/1bvUTfYc via @someecards #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @innerwizdom @ClassroomFree @OrganicSister #
- Heading to the girls' swim meet. #notcutoutforthis #needmorecoffee #
- Going to see The Princess Bride on the big screen tonight. #icantwait #
- In the continuing saga of my injuries I now have a sore nose. I banged it against some kids head while laughing a the swim meet yesterday. #
- I seriously can not resist reading ALL of the #CNNHeadlines tweets. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @interest_led @MahoganyWayMama @smapplegate #
- Alarm clock you had one job! #fail #
- We are drowning in veggies from our CSA. I made a huge veggie scramble for breakfast this morning. #needtoeatmoreveggies #
- Damn it feels good to be a gangsta' http://t.co/lU53XhSU #officespace #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @shannonentin #
- There is a crazy, but beautiful, thunderstorm outside. #
- The house is a mess and I'm up early so I'm spending my time watching TV. #shirkingresponsibility #
- I LOVE overheard coffee shop conversations. #
- Just heard a father say to his kid. "You're miserable you know that. You're your mother's son." #wtf #parentingfail #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @OnBradstreet @interest_led @nolamom76 #
- Just weighed in and I have officially lost 50lbs since the end of January!!! #soexcited #
- Words you never want to hear; "Mommy! Daddy! Something fell in the toilet." #