- Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-10 http://t.co/nB0M8eDA #
- Thanks to Starbucks and a friends pancakes I've consumed half my calories for the day. #itsgonnabealongday #
- Waiting for hubby to get his butt in gear. #wehaveacooptobuild #backyardchickens #
- Most of the run and coop have been framed or cut. Currently working in the door but having issues. #backyardchickens #
- Taking a break with some iced coffee and sketch comedy. #
- Moved on ton #BurnNotice #wastingthedayaway #
- Breaks over. Time to build a door. #backyardchickens #
- Pickle martini. #nowitsaparty #notbeer http://t.co/7hHyvPAI #
- Having a great evening with friends. #thisiswhatsummerisallabout #
- What a wonderful evening with friends. #sohappy #
- Monday. How did you get here so fast? #
- My ankle is still hurting but on the mend. #nogymtoday #
- Please check this out: A Home for the Chickens http://t.co/brkvS7ro #
- Waking up! RT @canadianfamily: Be honest: what's the hardest thing about Monday mornings? #
- I'm excited for the keynote at #wwdc today. Any good live blog suggestions? #apple #
- On a lunch date with my hubby. #
- Arg Apple. Love the new stuff but no new IMacs? Really? #wwdc #apple #sad #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @theHSVillage @HomeschoolBlogs @harmonicmama #
- Please child make up your mind! #indecisive #
- I have had it up to here today! #sofrustrating #
- At the theater for Madagascar 3 and hubby just talked me down from drowning my sorrow in Reese's Pieces. #ilovehimforit #
- In a funk. #
- It's been almost a week since my ankle started bothering me. I wish it would get back to normal. #impatient #
- Hoping to hit up @PhillyBeerCakes when I'm in the city tomorrow and have a bacon, apple, Victory cupcake! #IthinkIfoundheaven #
- I so want #coffee but don't want to deal with the pain in my ankle to get it. #betweenarockandahardplace #
- I never thought I'd be the type of person that would be sad that they couldn't spend 30 minutes sweating on a tread mill, but I am. #inafunk #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @ParentattheHelm @1Dad1Kid @ponnsabra #
- I cooked dinner completely forgetting that we were going to order Indain and have dinner with my MIL. #ithinkimlosingmymind #
- The kids are in the living room and I just heard one shout "Oh yeah baby! It's on!" #
- Just met my friends brand new baby girl! #birthisawesome #
- A bat and ball cost a dollar and ten cents. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? #
- Moving slow. Running late. #youdthinkitwasamonday #
- I was so out of it this morning I started brushing my teeth with my husband's toothbrush. Realized as I put the brush to my teeth. #tootired #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @shannonentin @MahoganyWayMama @HipHmschoolMoms #
- The worst part about my ankle hurting is it makes me not want to walk to get coffee. #okmaybethatsnottheworstpart #stillneedcoffee #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @innerwizdom @luvbrrdz @SomewhatCrunchy #
- Woot! Friday. #nuffsaid #
- Such a wonderful and adorable movie about famous punk fathers and their relationships with their kids. http://t.co/i9q5obfk #worthwatching #
- Finally after taking some prescription anti-inflammatory and sleeping with my ankle wrapped it's feeling much better. #
- Lunch! http://t.co/FosLizgX #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @Hobo_Mama @askthelc #
- I think the term scrapple-esque needs to be used more often. #justsayin #
- It's been a loooonnnnggg day. #
- Totally amazed that he's answering questions while doing this. #walkthewire #
- Watching Burn Notice. #
- Now watching Archer! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @alyssaavant @lesamcmahon @FreeChildhood #
- #nowwatching Thor #
- Such a crazy busy day. Swim trials, dive practice, lending a car, driving downtown to jump a friends car & movie watching. #Iovedeveryminute #