- Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-03 http://t.co/GkovmD1F #
- Can't wait to head to the #OmniPhilly for the Blogger Beauty Brunch. Thanks to @joeyfortman @BouariClinicKOP and @DonnaScottSpa #
- It's a 12 gallons of coffee kind of day. #
- Lookout! #itsanawesomepantskindofday #
- Blogger Brunch! (@ Omni Hotel at Independence Park w/ 2 others) http://t.co/NhYyB2kV #
- Brunch is amazing. #omniphilly #
- Soooo good. #omniphilly http://t.co/JJaRSpR5 #
- Thank you for an amazing brunch. @joeyfortman @omnihotels @BouariClinicKOP @DonnaScottSpa #OmniPhilly #
- Mmmmm mimosa. #omniphilly http://t.co/X1A9LqdL #
- Penthouse at #omniphilly What an amazing view. http://t.co/jxS5Vgw0 #
- Ladies getting lovely. #OmniPhilly http://t.co/92LkgSsj #
- New hairstyle thanks to @joeyfortman and #omniphilly http://t.co/97LaOXAD #
- EMTs and police are currently at my house picking my mother in law out of the pachysandra. #neveradullmoment #
- I have developed a headache that won't quit. #justwhatineed #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @ParentattheHelm @homeschoolcurr #
- Chilling' with my little watching How it's Made. #herfavoriteshow #
- The pool is completely empty. Just us and one other family. #
- Shortest trip to the pool ever. #offtodinnerwithfriends #
- Yes ladies! We must make plans to get together. @DelcoDealDiva @delcopamoms @localfunforkids in reply to DelcoDealDiva #
- Tequila with @diktynna1 and hubby. #gonnabeafunnight http://t.co/Y6WgpNvV #
- It's a pure agave tequila kind of night. #paleo #
- The children are watching Inception. #notajoke #
- Just saw a carpet beater. #notaeuphemism #
- Another awesomely late night with wonderful friends. #
- Watching #monsterinlaws Makes mine look like an angel. #
- Hi Monday. #
- No AC at work. 🙁 #
- Going to the gym today but I can't say I'm motivated. #mondaysarerough #
- For the first time ever I'm dreading going to the gym. #ineedtogetoutofthisfunk #
- Unenthusiasticly heading to the gym. #
- Just finished week 3 day 3 of #C25K with @c25kfree! #
- The kids are quiet. Time to sit down with some coffee and a good book. #amreading #
- I guess I should stop reading and figure out dinner. #wouldratherread #
- Children, I don't know how you got salsa in my slipper but I am not pleased. #
- The kids are down. Now to figure out what to do with my evening. #
- Read, watch a movie or play MW3. #somanychoices #
- Thinking about watching a movie till I fall asleep. Any suggestions? #whatshouldiwatch #
- On the weekend my internal clock wakes me at 6. During the week not so much. #sonotfair #
- Can I wear slippers to work? #please #
- Ugh. My right ankle feels like it was in a fist fight. #
- It is a gorgeous day out!!!! #
- No gym today. Getting a big fat Greek lunch! #
- Yum. #mybigfatgreeklunch http://t.co/lLmUxSHZ #
- #mybigfatgreeklunch made me tired. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @OnBradstreet @guerrillamom @peninasharon #
- Dear ankle, please stop swelling and hurting. I have plans for you. #
- Dinner tonight is Asian stir fry with cauliflower "rice". #paleo #nomnom #
- Heading out for a much needed drink with a friend. #
- Thank you dog for jumping on my already injured ankle and making it worse. #bythankyouimeanscrewyou #
- Trying to motivate myself to go to the Y. #thebediswarmandcomfy #
- 5 minutes on the treadmill has turned my ankle from bad to worse. #ihavedoneaterriblething #
- Nice recap of Philly Comic Con by @shawnproctor http://t.co/9CJkjG8t #comiccon #Wizardworld #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @Leighbra @harmonicmama @askthelc #
- Stuffed on buffalo wings and beer. #itsbeenagoodnight #
- Icing my giganticly swollen ankle. 🙁 #
- Good morning! #
- My ankle looks like its smuggling a baseball. #headdingtothedoctortoday #
- I'm going to get some arnica cream for my ankle this morning. Any other #homeopathic suggestions for inflammation? #help #
- Such a beautiful day out! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @shannonentin @FreeChildhood @interest_led #
- My ankle has me in a funk. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @wietski @janbaronhunt @Idzie #
- Fueling up on coffee! Today has been busy and is about to get busier! #whatacrazyfunday #
- Did the direct opposite of resting my ankle tonight. #hurtingbuttotallyworthit #
- Ahh it's almost 6am and I'm awake. It must be a Saturday. #
- It's coop and run building day!!! #
- Was up at 5:45 like clockwork. Now I'm ready to go back to sleep but the family will be stirring soon. #needmoresleep #
- The family is well fed. Now home to build the coop!!! #
- Let the building commence! #backyardchickens #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @ORPrep @worldschooled @angelaharms #
- Got half of the run framed! #moretomorrow #backyardchickens #
- Ugh. I can't remember the name of a series I have been watching on Netflix. #sofrustrating #
- Playing a little mw3 to cap off the night. #
- Goodnight. #
- Not talking is difficult sometimes. #struggling #
- More coop and run building today. #backyardchickens #