- Just finished week 2 day 3 of #C25K with @c25kfree! #
- I focused on form today while running. I think it helped. #nothurting #
- I don't normally run errands in yoga pants and a conjunction junction t-shirt. #buttodayigottagetshitdone #
- Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-27 http://t.co/1hiqKNpo #
- Dancing while cooking makes it all the more fun! #
- Drove to the recycling center without directions! #memory #win #
- Now that I'm stronger I can do things like run with a case of beer. #yayexercise #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @ZetteHarbour @angelaharms @HomeschoolMo #
- I love hugs. #
- Of course we choose to start building our coop on a day with an excessive heat warning. #funtimes #
- Buying coop supplies but it's too hot to start working on it. #goingswimminginstead #
- Off to the local swim club. It's our first year as members. #thisisgoingtobefun #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @interest_led @OrganicSister @msaraann #
- I just reached Level 2 of the "Swimmies" badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 5 different water spots! http://t.co/EcZwODrd #
- Such a whirl wind of a weekend so sad to see it end but I'm looking forward to an amazing summer! #
- Seriously Excel I am tired. I just need a few stats. Please cooperate. #excelhatesme #
- Looks like venting worked. #excelcooperated #
- Not looking forward to the alarm going off in the morning. #goodnight #
- Hey hooks don't help if you don't put your keys on them. #fail #
- I like being an early bird. I enjoy watching the world wake up. #
- Listening to Salt n Pepa takes me down a slippery musical slope. #amsliding #
- Evacuation under way at Delco court house. Anyone know why? #
- Just finished week 3 day 1 of #C25K with @c25kfree! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @peninasharon @smapplegate #
- A quiet evening at home after a crazy busy weekend. #justwhatIneed #
- Just realized Drive is on Netflix. I know what I'm doing tonight. #lovemesomeryangosling #
- Pls RT, please help save library/art/music for elem kids in Philly burbs http://t.co/41oqcwkk #savetheartsUD @saveUDarts #
- Good morning. #
- Watch out world me and my awesome pants are rockin' it again. #
- Coffee. #needmorenow #
- Just finished week 3 day 2 of #C25K with @c25kfree! #
- I want to rock your gypsy soul. Just like way back in the days of old and together we will float into the mystic. <3 #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @askthelc @SomewhatCrunchy @lesamcmahon #
- I swear my kids are programmed to come home hungry. What are some good afternoon snacks? #
- Yum. #itsagoodnight http://t.co/a9xGWdRv #
- Had a fantastic evening with friends. #
- Can't sleep. 🙁 #
- Dear dog, The bed is for people, not dogs. I decide where the covers go. #losingbattle #
- I have seriously fallen off the #paleo wagon. #needtogetbackon #
- Can someone please reverse the rotation if the earth (ala Superman) so I can go back to bed? Thanks. #
- Despite being exhausted I'm ahead of schedule. #drinkingcoffee #watchingtv #
- My commute is a dance party. #justsayin #039; #
- Please check this out: Wordless Wednesday – Beaching Out http://t.co/598mYoWE #
- Moderation is not my strong suit. #needtoworkonthat #
- Please check this out: Not Looking Good for the Garden http://t.co/x00hPWzl #
- Skipping breakfast seems like a good idea when I'm not hungry but now I'm ready to eat my arm off. #twohourstilllunch #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @theHSVillage @mommyrevenue #
- Just finished week 3 day 2 of #C25K with @c25kfree! Repeated day 2. Not ready for 3 yet! #
- Just did 3.0 miles in 50:17. The first mile I did in 13:34. The rest much slower. #
- Driving a manual with a screwed up left leg is not fun. #suckstobeme #
- Our first CSA pickup was today! The fridge is now stocked with greens and my belly is full of kale chips. #eatlocal #
- It's a Monkey on the deck kind of night. #
- When will my kids start understanding the idea of privacy. #thebedroomdoorislockedforareason #gotobed #
- Trying to wind down. Need to be up at 5 and ready to go to the Y at 5:30. #comeonletmesleep #
- Up and off to the Y for a rowing class. #wishmeluck #hopefullyidontdie #
- Ok totally got nervous and bailed on the rowing class. #walkinginstead #
- I so wish I had my headphones. 🙁 #
- #coffee That's what I need! #
- Today I sign the kids up for the dive team and swim team. #oursummerisabouttogetinteresting #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @1Dad1Kid @peninasharon @HomeschoolMo #
- Dinner got rained out. Having a picnic in the back of the car. #superfun http://t.co/jUeM1qzJ #
- Monsoooooonnnnn. #somuchrain #
- My house is full of geeks. #husbandrollplaying #debatingmagneto #
- Playing #mw3 #geekingoutmyself #
- Bed. Need to rest up for #comiccon #
- Ugh. Really 6am. #damninternalclock #
- Nooooo!!!! #outofcoffee #
- My need for #coffee has actually led me to leave the house to get it. #watchoutworldimtiredanddriving #
- I just unlocked the "(RED)Rush to Zero" badge on @foursquare, triggering a $1 donation to help fight AIDS. #REDRush http://t.co/Ov0QiSau #
- Thank goodness @Starbucks is close. #coffeeaccomplished #
- Yum!!! http://t.co/6Y6crLRV #
- Double doctors. #comiccon http://t.co/3jMHRsO7 #
- Woot. (@ Wizard World Philadelphia 2012 w/ 58 others) http://t.co/eVFdf1Ad #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @FreeChildhood @innerwizdom #
- Weirdest thing ever. Shatner discussing his relationship with horses. #comiccon #
- Watching the Star Trek captains field questions. #awesome #Wizardworld #comiccon #
- Starting to think that Shatner just likes to hear himself talk. #Wizardworld #comiccon #
- Star Trek Q&A is getting painful. #shatnerneedstoshutup #Wizardworld #comiccon #
- Patric Stewart is awesome. #givesouthugs #Wizardworld #comiccon #
- I have been up since 6! Now my body is just being mean. #