- Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-20 http://t.co/zvWt5jR3 #
- Heading home from an amazing beach camping trip. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @unschool @MMetzWriter #
- Trying to gather a last minute team for Star Wars Quizzo. #
- Keeping the Quizzo table warm. #
- Quizzo in full effect with @thanulec and @sipsicedtea #
- 6 points first round. #notdoingwell #
- Optimistic about the episode II round. #starwarsquizzo #
- Woot! 9 correct the last round. #starwarsquizzo #
- Round/episode 3. Not so confidant. #starwarsquizzo #
- 7 points for round 3. #starwarsquizzo #
- Keeping my fingers crossed but not optimistic about round 4. #starwarsquizzo #
- 30 points so far. Need to sweep and double to get in the lead. #starwarsquizzo #
- Only 5 for the last round (episode 5). #starwarsquizzo #notdoingwell #
- We ranked 8th with 51 points. #starwarsquizzo #notwinning #
- Had a great night with @sipsicedtea and @thanulec #
- I love camping but I am super excited to sleep in my own bed tonight. #goodnight #
- Back to the grind after an amazing weekend. #
- What are your funds plans as the "school year" comes to a close? #homeeducation #Homeschooling #
- Drinking my #coffee strong and black this morning. How do you like yours? #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @soultravelers3 @HomeschoolMo @Leighbra #
- I love my dog. He literally follows me around the house. I think he missed me. #
- It's Monday Movie Night. Tonight's selection: Iron Man 2 #
- Had to bail on the movie. #gotworktodo #
- Why do I feel the need to overextend myself? #thisisaconstant #
- Please check this out: T-fal ActiFry Giveaway! http://t.co/pjWRtAwi via @harmonicmama #win #food #gadget #
- Please check this out: ActiFry – Healthy Fried Foods http://t.co/zCAwkxB2 #
- Morning arrived too quickly. #needmoresleep #
- I'm moving slow this morning. Who wants to bring me #coffee #
- Yay! What a wonderful day for a WootOff!!!! http://t.co/gEIj8dfE #wootoff #
- I love reliving good memories through music. #
- This is fantastic. "If I should have a daughter…" http://t.co/3AqNx3R6 #TED #
- I want to rock your gypsy soul. Just like way back in the days of old. #
- If worrying were an olympic sport, I'd have a gold medal. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @smapplegate @peninasharon @FreeChildhood #
- Just discovered a huge red water ice stain on the carpet in a corner of the living room. #nothappy #
- Ouch. Overdid it on the treadmill. #
- Please check this out: Wordless Wednesday – Relax http://t.co/uxGheWCc #
- The family is out getting ice cream. #enjoyingthequiet #
- They're baaaack. #
- Good morning. #
- It's another dreary day. #havingtroublegettingmotivated #
- I'm wearing awesome pants today. #nuffsaid #
- When I have stamps in my wallet I feel like a real adult. #
- Listening to Dead End by The Format #nowplaying http://t.co/McaSBL2p via @grooveshark #
- So excited for our first CSA pickup next week! #
- The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is right now. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @msaraann @OnBradstreet @innerwizdom #
- Nap! #
- Out of nowhere I feel like I've been hit with a ton of bricks. #notfeelingwell #
- Laying in bed and slowly becoming one with it. #exhausted #
- Tired, wiped out, not feeling well but can't sleep. #sofrustrating #
- Can't wait for this day to be over and it hasn't even started. #stillnotfeelingwell #
- Another rainy day. What do you do to entertain the kiddos when it rains? #
- We're getting to the end of the year. What's going into your #homeschooling portfolio? #
- My awesome new shirt. #paleo http://t.co/QxLijEW8 #
- Today's word: Disintermediation. #
- If you haven't ever listened to #fun yet you should. (and not just We Are Young) They are great. http://t.co/Koum573N #goodmusic #
- I need to stop skipping breakfast. #readytoeatmyarm #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @interest_led @SomewhatCrunchy @HomeschoolMo #
- Spending a lazy afternoon with friends. #wonderful #
- Mmmmm #beer http://t.co/Sj18PeUs #
- I had an awesome and unexpected date night with my hubby! #awesomeness #
- This song never gets old! Escape by Jimmy Buffett #nowplaying http://t.co/qOx3QYUC via @grooveshark #
- Trying to get work done and children showered, at the same time, is not recommended. #
- Via @MindShiftKQED: Adam Savage: Permission to Make | http://t.co/h4PAfpJO #homed #tinkering #
- "We are all bags of meat and water. We all start with the same tools" How Simple Ideas Lead to Scientific Discoveries: http://t.co/7gSJer42 #
- If you're looking for lessons check out TED-Ed there are some great ones out there. http://t.co/bGRX3Q2k #homeschooling #unschooling #
- Mindless TV or more TED talks? #cantdecide #
- Went with mindless TV. #happy #
- This sucks. http://t.co/YhEvZxNz #
- Up and at em. Off to the Y with a friend. #needmoresleep #
- My workout buddy is doped up on Benadryl. #goingalone #
- Ouch! #
- It's all at once fantastic and annoying that most of my clothes are too big. #losingweight #
- A late night and an early morning workout make me want to crawl back in bed. #wishicould #
- I need a new desk chair or better posture. #notsurewhich #
- My kids woke up begging to watch more TED Ed. videos. #homeschooling #unschooling #doingsomethingright #
- Need more #coffee #
- I love a nice smooth pen and good notebook. #bestthingsinlife #
- Mmm lunch. #
- Is it nap time yet? #
- More #coffee #notimefornap #
- Busy weekend ahead of us. We have a garden to plant, coop to build and three parties to attend. #
- Off for the Friday afternoon runaround. #thankfulitsthesecondtolastweek #
- Just drove my daughter to a knitting class she didn't have. #parentingfail #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pHQ81T ? Top stories today via @HomeschoolBlogs @harmonicmama @OrganicSister #
- Exhausted and not looking forward to sitting with a fidgety kid watching the other one fence. #maygotostarbucks #alwaysneedcoffee #
- Please don't forget to enter the @ActiFry #giveaway Ends tonight: http://t.co/pjWRtAwi #win #
- To the Batmobile! … Oh wait, sorry. The mom van. #
- Batting 1,000. More driving and rushing to a class that was canceled due to the holiday. #parentingfail #
- Yum. #notquitepaleo http://t.co/N3I7PQP5 #
- A crazy day full of #fail has turned into a calm relaxing evening. #
- Busy weekend ahead. #notfunbusy #
- Good morning. #
- Hanging at a coffee shop. #reading #
- Every time I see an LED billboard I think of Idiocracy and it makes me sad. #
- Spending the day with extended family. #gratefultohavethem #cantwaittillitsover #
- Kidless. #playingdartsanddrinkingbeerwithfriends #
- Cards and beer. #itsagoodnight http://t.co/WbkCf9gj #
- Another day of parties but first off to the Y. #