- Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-29 http://t.co/PnRIYn49 #
- A friend of mine has a cat that's been stuck in a tree for 2 days. Any suggestions on how to get it out? #help #cat #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @peninasharon @innerwizdom @ponnsabra #
- I have been up for a hour for no good reason at all! #WTF #
- Hipsters invaded my dreams last night. #
- Mmmm #coffee http://t.co/fdGbqUmW #
- Please check this out: Gluten Free and Grain Free Eggplant Pizza http://t.co/1SQU7b7C #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @harmonicmama @littlecrunchy @interest_led #
- Don't feel like eating dinner tonight. #
- Having a nice string cup of Joe! #
- Love late night coffee #
- Tired with a stuffy nose this morning. #notlookinggood #
- Rainy commute = loud happy music. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @mahoganywaymama @lifelearningmag #
- Helping a friend with WordPress. #geekingout #
- Yay hump day! #
- Another rainy commute made better by loud happy solo singalong in the car! #
- Please check this out: Wordless Wednesday – Coffee! http://t.co/UIaOLjwL #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @sattvicfamily @thatweirdmama #
- Looking forward to my haircut! #
- Boo. My haircut doesn't look much different. I urged her to go shorter but she didn't. #totallybummed #
- Skipping breakfast. Not hungry. I may be gnawing my arm off by lunch though. #
- Another rainy morning. #blah #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @thehsvillage @beautifulwreck2 @unschoolersemp #
- Hello friday! #
- Yesterday was a great day! Hopefully this momentum will carry me into the weekend. #
- I'm so excited to go with the family and some friends to see the Avenges Tuesday! #cantwait #
- My oldest is off on her first Girl Scout camp out today! I'm so proud of her. #
- Today should be interesting. #
- I would like the organization fairy to make a visit today and get my shit in order. #icandreamcanti #
- RIP MCA 🙁 #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @idzie @organicsister @mariliasurf @mahoganywaymama #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @smapplegate @lesamcmahon @hiphmschoolmoms #
- Good morning! #
- Super excited to go to a goat race today. #
- Watching the family reunion episode of Survivor. #iamablubberingmess #