- Please check this out: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-04 http://t.co/A9y0Yays #
- We've got a fairly lazy day ahead and I'm looking forward to it! #
- We just put a perch in for our chicks. They're a little confused. #backyardchickens #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @shadyladypdx @abdullahbroomes @unschool @ponnsabra #
- Just made this for dinner. http://t.co/XlE4sibh It was delicious. #
- I'm participating in The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 11 Story Sync. Check it out here http://t.co/jkmD4Cu3 #
- Walking to a meeting instead of driving. #lifechanges @DietBet #
- I just unlocked the “Flame Broiled” badge on @foursquare! Cheeseburgers all around! http://t.co/yo8qImrh #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @guerrillamom @homeschoolcurr @wietski #
- LOVE! the track The Lottery Song – Bonus Track by The Format http://t.co/k9YBUA7f #
- Yay half day! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @avocadogreta @hiphmschoolmoms @shadyladypdx #
- Excited for the @dietbet weigh out tonight. #
- I reached my @DietBet goal weight!!!!!! #
- For some reason I have a headache that won't quit. I'm getting some #coffee to see if that helps. #
- I'm dragging this morning. #sotired #
- Please check this out: Wordless Wednesday – Endless IPad http://t.co/FbbOU5z8 #
- Bit applause for that. Lots of folks clapping their apparently shaky hands. http://t.co/a5Va1BjA #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @sarahsouthcombe @wietski @peninasharon #
- Has anyone been able to successfully get IPhoto on the IPad yet? #ipad #
- Do you know who Joseph Kony is? No? Take 30 minutes out of your day and watch this. http://t.co/U57K6RYW. #StopKony #
- I was charged 3 times for upgraded icloud storage and it's still not upgraded plus I can't figure out who/how to call to get a refund #apple #
- This is my first frustrating experience with #apple and it's seriously irritating. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @unschoolersemp @homeschoolmo #
- I swear to god my husband is like a 3rd child. #sofrustrating #
- Woot! It's Friday. #
- My office was full of donuts this morning for a department wide meeting. The eclairs were calling me. I was able to resist! #willpower #
- Need. More. Coffee! #
- My list of things to get done tonight gets shorter the longer fencing goes. #sotired #
- Watching #hoarders makes me want to get rid of all my stuff. #
- I'm not feeling very well today which is throwing my plans into a tizzy. #
- I just put on a jacket that used to be too tight and it fits great now. #weightloss #