- Another slow day! #loveit #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @homeschoolblogs @freechildhood @angelaharms #
- Easy to make firewood carrier. http://t.co/MKMdjxPC Upcycle old tote bags. #DIY #Upcycle #
- Making a plan for #ToyFairNY I can't wait to see all of the great new #educational toys. #
- Harmonic Mama's now available on the Kindle! http://t.co/j5IIdOEE Subscribe today! via @amazon #
- Any other Delco folks hearing fireworks? It is January right?!?!? #philly #wtf #
- From the blog: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-29 http://t.co/ey2t9lGk #
- Spilled bacon grease all over the kitchen when the jar I poured it in shattered. #itsdefinatelymonday #
- It's been one week since I drastically changed my diet and cut out diet soda and I feel great! #paleo #
- Hey Philly folks @SapBushShannon #radicalhomemaker is in Media tonight! thttp://shannonhayes.eventbrite.com/ Tickets available at the door. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @classroomfree @innerwizdom @interest_led #
- I had a great time at the talk by @sapbushshannon last night! #radicalhomemaker #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @unschoolersemp @smapplegate @1dad1kid @idzie #
- I have so much pent up energy eating #paleo that I feel like I HAVE to go work out. This is a total 180 for me. #hittingthegym #
- I did 15 min on the elliptical today and walked 1/2 mile. #
- So looking forward to tonight @LensFriends! #psmm #
- It's Wordless Wednesday hop on over and link up! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @avocadogreta @hobo_mama @muddysandylife #
- I had a great time @LensFriends tonight. The place and people are wonderful and the concept is amazing! #
- Moving slow this morning. #
- I'm so loving this song!!!! At Least I'm Not as Sad (As I Used to Be… by fun. #nowplaying http://t.co/epiT3aY9 via @grooveshark #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @interest_led @ponnsabra @sredvalson @mariliasurf #
- Meatloaf for dinner! #nottheyuckykind #
- Please check this out: Abortion and Planned Parenthood – Komen Foundation Playing Politics http://t.co/Q2OjlZhg #
- Had a great day. #thatisall #
- I'm trying to figure out if we should have people over on Sunday to watch the Superbowl. Not sure yet. What are your plans? #
- Watching #howitsmade and they're making eames lounge chairs.#soexcited #love #mcm #
- Please check this out: Meatloaf with Roasted Brussels Sprouts http://t.co/9MaLBRxh #
- Grain Free #Bacon Covered Meatloaf with Roasted Brussels Sprouts http://t.co/pSXRvQJC This is a must try! #paleo #recipe #
- We found two, not one but two, ticks on the dog this morning. #ugh #spring #
- Harmonic Mama by Jennifer Pohlhaus http://t.co/A7QhFRCy via @amazon #
- Woot! Score one for public pressure. http://t.co/7NZ9S3jw the Komen foundation reversed their decision. #komen #pp #
- Anyone else having trouble getting to the statement by the #Komen foundation? I get an error. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @hsofia @unschoolersemp @arijesstaken @unschool #
- There's some group of #champions kids at the local playground being looked after by teens who are super snippy and short with them. #sosad #
- Just got a Powerball ticket. #youneverknow #
- Enjoying a tequila and tonic. Mmmm #
- Ugh. Two sips in I realized tonic water has corn syrup in it. Dumped it and now I'm drinking tequila with club soda. #ineedalime #
- Hanging out in a coffee shop in Philly while my oldest is at a sewing class. #relaxing #
- Just watched a kid knock down A Noguchi glass coffee table. http://t.co/aJ1c5hES Thnkfully it didn't break and he didn't get hurt. #
- There are protesters outside our local (chain) pet store. #adoptdontshop #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @mommyrevenue @lesamcmahon @homeschoolmo #
- Just saw a school bus pulled over with a boot on it. #onlyinphilly #