- From the blog: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-08 http://t.co/9PLUdiD9 #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @organicsister @shannonentin #
- My 9yo is playing the original Zelda on the Wii and loving it. #soproud #
- This Year’s Gluten Free Birthday “Cake” | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/gIrx9Sqn via @harmonicmama #
- From the blog: This Year’s Gluten Free Birthday “Cake” http://t.co/LREpinlL #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @unschool @askthelc @interest_led @unschoolersemp #
- Good morning. Is it Friday yet? #
- I so want one of these sun shades. I love their look. http://t.co/tFIDbmy5 #garden #sp #
- I so could use a weekend away. #travel #
- I got flowers from my hubby. http://t.co/OWyw28Ec #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @freechildhood @innerwizdom @schoolsurvival @idzie #
- Surprise dinner with friends! #ftw #
- It's only 8:30 and I'm in bed. #ihatecolds #
- I fell asleep at 8:30 and now I'm wide awake. #sleepfail #
- From the blog: Wordless Wednesday – Yellow http://t.co/8HlYmUK5 #
- MidCentury Modern Home Furnishings by MCMHome http://t.co/NR6g7LhA via @Etsy #
- I'm feeling mildly better this morning. This cold came on like gangbusters and fast! #
- For the curious the tree is finally down! It came down last night. So now we can de-christmas the rest of the house. #
- Can't find my license. 🙁 Now I have to go to the DMV #notfun #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @louisaarcher #
- Don't forget to link up for Wordless Wednesday – Yellow | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/pGrueUAd #ww #
- Ugh. My township was supposed to pick up our tree today but it's still sitting by the curb. #fail #
- A #traderjoes pork loin and roasted veggies are in the oven. I can't wait for dinner. #whatsfordinner #
- It's 7 pm and we're done with dinner. It's amazing! #
- Good morning! Do have coffee or tea as your pick me up? #
- We had a great time @MagiQuest in #PigeonForge Read all about it here: http://t.co/ff6f20LF #
- From the blog: The Magic of MagiQuest http://t.co/J7cbUHn0 #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @unschoolersemp @organicsister @idzie #
- This cold is still getting the best of me. #sotired #
- Ooh just noticed that #hschat is going on! What's tonight's topic? #
- One thing I do is keep track of various outings and events on a specific Google calendar set aside for homeschooling activities. #hschat #
- Listening to my kids play Zelda cooperatively on their DSs. Lots of life skills like cooperation & strategy are being learned. #unschooling #
- I'm going to have a new "Ask the Educator" feature on my blog & would love to hear questions you'd like answered by @themommafiles #hschat #
- We have to document and turn in a portfolio to the district anually. #hschat #
- All right all I'd love to stay and chat but my cold is getting the better of me. Goodnight. #hschat #
- So excited for #SugarHouseGNO #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @ponnsabra @acaciascs @laurareaux #
- I'm loking for questions for a new "Ask the Educator" feature. What question would you like answered? #homeschooling #unschooling Pls RT #
- At #fencing The coach is tough but good. #
- I just now realized it's Friday the 13th. How did I not notice this sooner. #
- S'more Bar http://t.co/lLz8rODk #
- Backdoor herb garden – SO doing this! http://t.co/rxPkt1p9 #
- Wow! Philly's listed as the most depressing place to live! http://t.co/Mt81DrVO #totallydisagree #
- The Magic of MagiQuest | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/ff6f20LF #larp #magiquest #
- My dog is relentlessly roaming the house and will not settle. #frustrating #
- Anybody have one of these @KitchenAid 13-c. Food Processors I'm thinking about getting one. http://t.co/uRmzp3eT #sp #
- out of cardboard http://t.co/xx7LSCMk #
- Fright Night + David Tennant = AWESOME http://t.co/HxKt2r4M #
- From the blog: I Need Your Questions. New “Ask the Educator” Feature on Harmonic Mama http://t.co/LVxiXmCx #
- Beautiful! #coffee #yum http://t.co/vF9LIPNY #
- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) denies transplant to a developmentally delayed child. http://t.co/nSb5sp5Z #unacceptable #
- From the blog: Saturday Groupon Deals Roundup – National and Location Independent http://t.co/qzNXcruO #
- As odd as it sounds there's something really nice about a shared experience like ordering @FederalDonuts. It brings people together. #
- 'National Opt Out Day' Rejects Standardized Tests http://t.co/RZc9SUTp via @huffingtonpost #
- I seariously can't hear this song enough. We Are Young (Glee Cast Version) on #Spotify http://t.co/ZI8SPNVs #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @askthelc @hobo_mama @mahoganywaymama #
- Check out these great national @Groupon deals! http://t.co/EIDRqEUF #savings #deals #daily #
- Logging off to make marshmallow treats with the kiddos! #yum #
- Playing #justdance3 with the kids. #sofun #
- We just put some great new stuff up in our shop @MCMHome on @etsy. http://t.co/VJaYcIpU #mcm #housewares #vintage #
- I had a great dinner with friends tonight. #community #ftw #
- I love this vintage all spice container! http://t.co/ziI26cpk #vintage #mcm #etsy #
It is nice to see like these blog and i got some new ideas thank you.