- From the blog: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-01 http://t.co/e5V72hiI #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @unschoolersemp #
- We are watching ALL the Star Wars movies today! We have woollies cookies, yoda soda, death star popcorn balls and cantina chili to snack on. #
- TIE fighter ties are in the oven!!!! #
- Two movies down. Hoth Chocolate consumed. Now on to Episode 3!!! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @1dad1kid @peninasharon @greenmangoes #
- Episode V. #starwarsmarathon #
- We did it, all 6 in one day! We finished Episode V at 12:45, now it's tough to get up for my 1st day of work in weeks. #starwarsmarathon #
- From the blog: “Do or do not. There is no try.” Our Star Wars Marathon http://t.co/VzI2KTH4 #
- “Do or do not. There is no try.” Our Star Wars Marathon | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/rOyBE0hR #starwars #bucketlist #
- So curious to see what happens in #Iowa today. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @innerwizdom @organicsister @heatherartlife #
- 4 foot long home made pasta for dinner! #whatsfordinner http://t.co/tL49sIRL #
- In case you weren't fully convinced yet, #Santorum is an ass. http://t.co/2pIDZIRH #healthcare #
- Paul 24% Romney 23% Santorum 23% Gingrich 13% Perry 10% Bachmann 6% … According to http://t.co/NAmAjwNC #iowacaucus #
- From the blog: Wordless Wednesday – Pasta http://t.co/yHIPKgqX #
- Coffee first today! #
- It's Wordless Wednesday! Come on over and link up! http://t.co/xnlcA4r3 #ww #WordlessWednesday #linky #
- Love this! – ONLINE SUPERHEROES: BATTLE FOR THE INTERNET http://t.co/5t7KSRku via @thevisualnews #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @katiepybus @mahoganywaymama @unschoolersemp #
- Don't forget to link up for Wordless Wednesday http://t.co/xnlcA4r3 #ww #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @rwhitcore @peninasharon @interest_led #
- I want to take our Christmas tree down today but I'm getting resistance. Are your decorations still up? #
- My kids are playing, and loving, Presidents vs. Aliens. This is such a simple but fun app! #homeschooling #unschooling #
- I think I lost a filling or chipped a tooth. 🙁 #notfun #
- So the tree isn't coming down tonight. Maybe tomorrow. #
- Our township collects holiday trees for composting on the 11th so our tree gets to stay up until the 10th (why take it down too early). #
- From the blog: 2011 Craft Round Up! http://t.co/FPO5s4ht #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @unschoolersemp @ponnsabra @idzie @innerwizdom #
- Don't forget to link up your crafts and tutorials! http://t.co/Vye3I0MR #craft #linky #
- Just helped a friend set up an @etsy shop for her husbands awesome wood working! #
- Watching #GoodEats I love this show. Alton Brown is the Mr. Wizard of cooking. #
- Home made bagels are in the oven! #
- Home made bagels! http://t.co/h5nD1lCC #
- Pink eye is in the house! #nofun #
- Pink eye, missing prescription cards and traffic tickets. #whataday #
- Oh did I mention I found a dead bird in the driveway too! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @askthelc @hobo_mama @smapplegate @angelaharms #
- So a crappy day became a little better. We just had out first sale in our @etsy shop! #
- Gluten free birthday "cake"! http://t.co/Sy9xYMr4 #
- Nothing livens up a sleepover like filling the house with smoke after forgetting to open the damper on the fireplace. #