- It's tree day!!!!! #
- From the blog: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-11 http://t.co/JDBWoGxm #
- Tree! (@ Linvilla Orchards w/ 7 others) http://t.co/yUyNivYx #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @lisanalbone @hmsdragonfly #
- I just got my replacement card from @EyeFiCard, just in time for Christmas. I am so happy. What a great customer service experience. #
- A lady just slammed into my car with a cart in the target parking lot. She just said sorry and walked away. #WTF #
- I had chocolate chip cookies for breakfast! #win #
- Screw 3/4 sleeves, it's cold. #whatwasithinking #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @homeschoolblogs @homeschoolcurr @askthelc #
- Is rum and coffee a drink? I think I might try it. #
- Moving slow this morning. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @hobo_mama @homeschoolmo @peninasharon @nolamom76 #
- Found this at the coffee station. Going to give it a try. http://t.co/EegPlkeO #
- So that super powered coffee is doing its job. I feel like running laps. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @unschoolersemp @smapplegate @mahoganywaymama #
- Only 3 more work days left for the year! #imsuperexcited #
- My car smells like pancakes. Odd. #
- Does anyone else just assume that a crazy person is coming to pick up the item you have listed on Craigslist? #isitjustme #
- Ugh. My #ww post didn't go up today and I just noticed. #
- Hello Thursday. So happy to see you so close to the end of the week. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @idzie @lesamcmahon @janbaronhunt #
- Sooo busy but lots of fun thins in the works. #
- Does your #homeschooling take a break during the holidays? #
- Off to an educational program about bears at our local library. #homeschooling #
- It's totally late but I'm grabbing a cup of coffee and hopping on my PS3 to play Red Dead Redemption. I'll probably be sorry in the morning. #
- Sooo tired. #
- Great Mid Century Modern Finds | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/JzWX6tnK via @harmonicmama #
- From the blog: Great Mid Century Modern Finds http://t.co/zIJunfUC #
- I love a good hard boiled egg for breakfast! #
- Getting my first cup of coffee for the day. It certainly won't be my last. #
- Come check out my new @etsy shop with lots of mid century goodness. http://t.co/DnZsTD4m Follow @MCMHome too! #mcm #home #retro #vintage #
- Home made chicken soup for lunch! #yum #
- Ok so don't ask how but I have silly putty gluing the back pocket of my jeans shut. How do I get silly putty out of jeans! #helpmeimcrazy #
- Thank you @magickmomma @thinkwell @BovineSituation for all the silly putty removal questions. It's gonna' be a challenge. #
- I lost two followers after my chicken soup tweet. Guess they don't like soup 😉 #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @schoolsurvival @peninasharon @idzie @shannonentin #
- Reserve your free eTextbook now. The window is closing soon… This is awesome! http://t.co/qdkHz4pD – spon #
- Come check out my new @etsy shop with lots of mid century goodness. http://t.co/DnZsTD4m Follow @MCMHome too! #mcm #home #retro #vintage #
- At fencing with my oldest! #
- Deadly neti pots? http://t.co/tIc1TZOr #braineatingamoeba #
- How to Make Delicious Chocolate Covered Bacon | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/PWW8fwSL via @harmonicmama #bacon #recipe #yum #
- From the blog: How to Make Delicious Chocolate Covered Bacon http://t.co/8FE3iLLf #
- We're @FederalDonuts in Philly. It smells so good in here. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @peninasharon @smapplegate @leighbra @idzie #