- Up early again and hotel coffee just doesn't do it for me. #needrealcoffee #
- Sometimes I wish the world got moving early that way I'd bet getting up right on time. #
- The clouds over the mountain are amazing this morning! http://t.co/4tSUzh5e #
- Getting motivated to get the family moving. #
- From the blog: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-27 http://t.co/SqVOgd11 #
- I'm on Google+ too! http://t.co/U3Wbnlpz #follow #gplus #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/Gy9PNUkv ? Top stories today via @jvrms_ @leighbra @homeschoolmo @unschoolersemp #
- Despite the threat of rain we had a beautiful day of hiking in the Smoky Mountains. #
- The hotel room just erupted with sequels of excitement when my husband stumbled across Star Wars on TV! #wereraisinggeeks #
- One-Year Membership http://t.co/YtwmundH via @LivingSocial #
- We've done some great nature activities and hikes this weekend. What are you up to? #homeschooling #unschooling #
- “Creepiest item ever on Antiques Roadshow.” via @poetigeek http://t.co/JISLE2I8 #cantunsee #
- It's the first day my internal clock didn't wake me before 7 but my sister took it's place. She called me just before 7. #ugh #siblings #
- From the blog: Guest Post – How do you spell G-E-N-E-R-O-S-I-T-Y? http://t.co/LFuWz0Yu #
- From the blog: Guest Post – How do you spell G-E-N-E-R-O-S-I-T-Y? http://t.co/y4sLGyUq #
- Just saw this in a parking lot. I totally need one. #homeschooling #unschooling http://t.co/yV2X3pRS #
- Please +K my influence in homeschooling on @klout http://t.co/w8LIdQM9 #homeed #unschooling #
- I'm on Google+ too! http://t.co/7Eri1vkI #follow #gplus #
- I'm looking for a good deal on Lumberjack Feud Tickets in Pigeon Forge, Tn. Any one have any ideas? #discount #deals #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/Gy9PNUkv ? Top stories today via @avocadogreta @swiss_army_wife @shelley_noonan #
- How do you spell G-E-N-E-R-O-S-I-T-Y? http://t.co/6i2VgkQE via @harmonicmama #
- Just ha an awesome time at a lumberjack show!!! #pigeonforge #
- To celebrate #OneofAKind dogs, Purina® Dog Chow® gave me movie tix & is donating up to $150K to animal charities. http://t.co/GQZhzxqc #
- $120 Magic School Bus Science Club 12 Monthly Science Kits ($239.88 Value) http://t.co/geYbXjML #homeschooling #k12 #sp #groupon #
- So sad that I couldn't be there for the #PSMMHolidayParty I hope everyone had a great time! #
- I've got 500 #geocaches downloaded to my IPhone. Can you guess what we're doing tomorrow? #
- Great aquarium! (@ Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies) [pic]: http://t.co/boqS0IxV #
- I'm on Google+ too! http://t.co/TBOTnEVr #follow #gplus #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/Gy9PNUkv ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @innerwizdom @thehsvillage #
- We're out #Geocaching on this cold rainy day! #
- I just ousted Mark B. as the mayor of MagiQuest on @foursquare! http://t.co/X0TR4dVd #
- Wordless Wednesday Link up! Mountain Stream. http://t.co/o70xBqkQ #ww #nature #photo #linky #
- Wordless Wednesday Link up! Mountain Stream http://t.co/o70xBqkQ #ww #nature #photo #linky #
- Did you know I blog too? Don't forget to check me out at http://t.co/HOSck7cL #
- Yay cheap gas! http://t.co/1GSR8ln2 #
- Headed into the Smoky Mountains. It snowed yesterday so it should be amazing. #
- I'm on Google+ too! http://t.co/4UqtmFAX #follow #gplus #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/Gy9PNUkv ? Top stories today via @idzie @lesamcmahon @onbradstreet @lifeisjustthis #
- Crazy busy day! Loved it! #
- We finished all the quests @magiquest. #somuchfun #wearedorks #
- Join me in the fight for the #endofAIDS by adding your voice to the (2015)QUILT created by @joinRED and @ONEcampaign. http://t.co/RlakJ1H6 #
- Our last day in the Great Smoky Mountains. The kids are going to finish up what they need for their Junior Ranger badges! #
- So psyched to see @ActuallyNPH on #LivewithKelly #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/Gy9PNUkv ? Top stories today via @ponnsabra @interest_led @peninasharon #
- Heading home tomorrow after an awesome week in the Smoky Mountains. #travel #vacatioin #
- While we were here the kids got their Junior Ranger Badges. They are so proud! #unschooling #
- I should be packing but instead I'm farting around on the internet. #needtogetmotivated #
- Oooh I just realized this was going on. #hschat #
- What's the topic tonight? #hschat #
- Totally off the holiday topic but we just discovered the Junior Ranger program at the national parks. It's awesome. #hschat #
- Kids do various activities and they can get Junior Ranger badges for it. #hschat #
- We just did it in the smoky mountains! #hschat #
- As for the holidays we are completely unprepared for Christmas. #hschat #
- If you're interested in the Junior Ranger program a list of parks is at http://t.co/3BdZIRng #hschat #
- Hilarious! RT @quinncy: I go away in my mind. It's quiet, where I go. And nothing needs a battery. #hschat #
- We're going for our tree next weekend. After that I'll be in the holiday decorating mood. #hschat #
- This year we've asked family to contribute to a camp fund for the girls. We'll see if that happens. #hschat #
- DH and I got a PS3 a couple of weeks ago so that was my Christmas present. #hschat #
- #hschat #
- We've been hoping to get down to Orlando for a few years now but just haven't been able to find a deal. #hschat #
- Why the heck am i getting a ton of @ spam. Ugh. #
- The soup kitchen in Delaware in need is this http://t.co/6xXBttkJ #HSchat #
- My daughter's girl scout troop plans to collect food for donation this year. #HSchat #
- RT @hyperlocavore: Here's what #apple is saying about #siri and #abortion info http://t.co/Af9dO67Z #
- Anyone have any home made ornament ideas? #HSchat #
- RT @Leighbra: Since this is our last chat of 2011, I want to tell you all how thankful I am for #HSChat … #HSchat #
- All right I should get off the internet and get packing. #HSchat #
- Thanks for a great #HSchat all! See you next year 😉 #
- Finally pulling myself away from the internets to pack up this hotel room. #stillnotmotivated #
- We got the hotel room packed in record time! Now back to wasting time online. #
- On the road heading home. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/Gy9PNUkv ? Top stories today via @mommyrevenue @hobo_mama @unschoolersemp #
- We're half way home! #
- My kids are having a blast playing LEGO Star Wars on their DSes. #weraisegeeks #
- Just passed an awesome holiday light display off of I 66 in Virginia. #roadtrip #
- We had so much fun this last week doing lots of great #unschooling activities in the Smoky Mountains. I can't wait to write about it all. #
- Slow and steady! The Bomb Buried In Obamacare Explodes Today-Hallelujah! – Forbes http://t.co/rzkaNB5C #healthcare #obama #
- The cord for the car stereo is breaking so I have to hold it while I tweet. #firstworldproblems #
- RT @ResourcefulMom: CONGRATS to @KidsHusbandandI our $150 Amazon gift card winner! #SuperSavers #
- We're in Delaware! #almosthome #
- Home! #
- Just got told we have a certified letter notice delivered for us to a house we haven't lived in for four years. #strange #
- Hanging in the city while my oldest is at sewing. #
- Off to help a friend stack 4 cords of wood. #community #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/Gy9PNUkv ? Top stories today via @askthelc @homeschoolmo @homeschoolblogs @msaraann #
- We had such a great time stacking wood. Sounds silly I know but it was fun. #community #
- Local light show! #christmas http://t.co/vqrbVYdH #