- I hope everyone with kids stocked up on #coffee #daylightsavings #
- I just unlocked the "Greasy Spoon" badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/jySrEjqR #
- Tall Salted Caramel Mocha @Starbucks. #yum #coffee #
- We're going to see the Gazillion Bubble Show today an I think I'm more excited than the kids! #
- From the blog: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-06 http://t.co/ATlsYyYo #
- Twirly the egg carton caterpillar. http://t.co/kIKY8gap #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/Hm7MvoAK ? Top stories today via @homeschoolblogs @unschoolersemp @ponnsabra #
- With it being so dark it feels like 10. Unfortunately it's only 7:20. 🙁 #daylightsavings #
- Good morning! #
- RT @organicconnect: How Eating at Home Can Save Your Life | Organic Connections Magazine http://t.co/Rtfiuz6z #food #dinner #Organic #li … #
- What's on your #homeschooling agenda for today? #
- So sad to be missing #bethereonline #
- Please +K my influence in homeschooling on @klout http://t.co/qjMVAlmK #homeed #unschooling #
- So close to 1,500 followers! Wanna help me out? #shamelessplug #
- RT @mediapanews: Where do I vote in Media, PA? http://t.co/0ih9ndNq #
- Looks like my shameless plug lost me a follower. #oops #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/8QDwLfMj ? Top stories today via @hobo_mama @leighbra @smapplegate @1dad1kid #
- Home!!!! #
- Rushing to get dinner on the table do we can head out to see Puss in Boots. #
- About to walk out the door when the dog walks in covered in poo. #damndog #
- Looking for hand made item sponsors for a great holiday giveaway. This is time sensative so please @ me if you're interested. #etsy #
- Hey Tuesday. #
- From the blog: Kids Craft – Egg Carton Caterpillars http://t.co/85ilJUYR #
- From the blog: Kids Craft – Egg Carton Caterpillars http://t.co/qVqj4EdS #
- Check out this cute egg carton caterpillar craft http://t.co/7N5epPri #crafts #homeschooling #kids #
- My town is "Everybody's hometown." #hometownslogans #
- There's a #wootoff today! Awesome kids stuff while it lasts! http://t.co/OKGkxIEQ #dailydeals #sp #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/g2eVUsb7 ? Top stories today via @ieatreal @worldschooled @parentatthehelm #
- Done for the day!!! #
- Shop local for the holidays! http://t.co/h3Kp1Nun #hyperlocal #local #gifts #
- Five Reasons to Shop Local for the Holidays – Technorati Lifestyle http://t.co/0DlzheFP #shoplocal #SmallBizChat #holidays #
- Wordless Wednesday – Toy Society with Linky! http://t.co/kXUYNXPF via @harmonicmama #
- From the blog: Wordless Wednesday – Toy Society http://t.co/0e075hqc #
- From the blog: Why You Should Shop Local this Holiday Season http://t.co/0nLY1sry #
- My favorite candy in plush! A Bag of Licorice in Plushblue packaging by scrumptiousdelight http://t.co/QnhEeLif via @Etsy #awesome #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @innerwizdom @homeschoolmo @wietski @ponnsabra #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/9Yb4OAFs ? Top stories today via @innerwizdom @homeschoolmo @wietski @ponnsabra #
- Dyson for $179 on the wootoff! Get it before it's gone http://t.co/XxrRtRCF #woot #sp #dyson #
- I am home, chicken is in the oven and the kids are occupied. #heaven #
- Having some #coffee and catching up on email. #
- My daughter's reading has improved by leaps and bounds in the last week. I'm completely amazed. #unschooling #lifelearning #
- From the blog: Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon When You Take the North “Poll” http://t.co/XtLrwJeh #
- Good morning. #
- Slowly moving. #
- What! Clearly they must have forgotten some 1s @parenting: 6% of kids ages 2-5 have their own smartphones: http://t.co/EBguuFmq #
- Foggy morning. http://t.co/yJkZdKOI #
- Off to lunch. Trying to not eat anything fried. #wishmeluck #
- Mmm chicken cheese steak! http://t.co/BxcHOn9E #
- Need to put in @PeapodDelivers order today. We're running low on groceries. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/k2pMnI2N ? Top stories today via @mariliasurf @leighbra @onbradstreet @felicegerwitz #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/d2w99FbT ? Top stories today via @mariliasurf @leighbra @onbradstreet @felicegerwitz #
- Heading home! What should I make for dinner? #
- Loving me a little REM. #
- I have an unexpected date night tonight. What movie should we see? #
- Due to the unexpected date night we're getting takeout Indian food! #nocookingforme #
- I have a new holiday giveaway up win an awesome bracelet from @harminicmama & Tah Groen Jewelry #holiday #win #giveaway http://t.co/DAiACAmk #
- Busy morning already and it's only 6:39 #
- From the blog: Green Christmas Giveaway Hop is Here! http://t.co/DqmQGQSS #
- I am so in the mood for bacon this morning but have no time to cook. #
- Happy 11-11-11! #
- Good morning and happy Friday! Any good weekend plans? #
- I've got a great jewlery giveaway up on my blog. Don't forget to check it out and enter. http://t.co/yZrapPpC #giveaway #win #jewlery #
- From the blog: The Green Christmas Giveaway Hop is Here! http://t.co/Fgd9jSxn #
- Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner, orders all food to be destroyed with bleach http://t.co/Oim4ZR1X #csa #
- All the 11 year olds with birthdays today must be super excited! #111111 #
- I had cabbage and bacon for lunch. Sounds odd but it was delicious! #
- It's so windy out I'm worried our greenhouse is going to blow away! #
- I totally hope they come to Philly! RT @donttrythis
Our touring show will be TOTALLY appropriate for children. And everyone else. # - Joe Biden just visited our local pizza joint! http://t.co/hzqiCDf4 #VP #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/ZeMH0uyN ? Top stories today via @shadyladypdx @msaraann @unschoolersemp @askthelc #
- Something just ran like hell across my roof! #
- I need to do the dishes but twitter is far more interesting. #notmotivated #
- I seriously hate how my @subzerowolf fridge drain gets clogged and freezes up. It's a real pain to chip the ice out. #sofrustrating #
- Heading out to buy new slippers. I never found the missing one. 🙁 #
- I wonder if they're regretting this? #pennstate http://t.co/hLudffjY #
- Getting slippers! (@ Old Navy) http://t.co/KPdRaSMw #
- I found $40 in my wallet, that I didn't know I had, so I got some pajamas with my slippers! #foundmoneywin #
- Getting some @Starbucks with the remainder of my new found wealth. #
- Back home. Unfortunately the dishes did not do themselves. #
- Playing #Halo #geekingout #
- I was up way too late last night and I'm feeling it this morning. #needmoresleep #
- Dreaming of eggs and bacon. Maybe hubby will make them. #
- Errands! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/6FgqL9XL ? Top stories today via @debchitwood @interest_led @homeschoolmo #
- Heading to @Starbucks. Should I get the Salted Caramel Mocha or something else? #
- Thinking about getting a PS3. Anyone know of any deals? #ps3 #
- Stuffed! My mom made lasagna for my birthday dinner. #yum #
- Thinking about getting a PS3 tonight. Anyone know of any deals? #ps3 #gaming #