- From the blog: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-18 http://t.co/01u7TUgC #
- RT @ConnieFoggles Blair Candy Isn’t Just For Kids http://t.co/xzkrjpYy #
- So bummed to miss the #PSMM workshop yesterday. Can't wait for the next one! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/9uqgYNMV #
- Starbucks Bistro Boxes Review – and a $20 Starbucks Giftcard Giveaway! http://t.co/2527YLTz RT: @RandomCoolChick #
- Yay!!!! (@ Great Wolf Lodge) http://t.co/LYE6Cla4 #
- Loving our Majestic Bear Suite @GreatWolfLodge #somuchfun #
- The Post Where I Make Up for Not Posting 😉 http://t.co/VcXDhTXZ RT @SouthernNest #
- T.J. Maxx/Marshalls Back to School Shopping http://t.co/wIcQ8dZV from @SouthernNest #
- I’m Gonna Getcha Good when you Fall Into Me in a Landslide because I’m Blessed – MMMM http://t.co/SuBLwmQ2 from @RandomCoolChick #
- Yay. Thanks internal clock for waking me up at 6:30. #sarcasm #
- Danimals Rally for Recess http://t.co/P5qnvn25 RT @RandomCoolChick #
- From the blog: Time Off http://t.co/ItsIWuYr #
- I'm sharing my Klout Perk! A $25 credit to @onehopewine – the wine that gives back. Get it at: http://t.co/q6gOKvYE #
- It's 8. I'm making coffee. #needmycoffee #
- Meet Me Monday – Just Do It! http://t.co/K6arYfpV from @RandomCoolChick #
- Don't forget about Museum Day! Free admissions to tons of Museums. – http://t.co/n7MUpwKJ #unschooling #homeschooling #homeed #
- Please +K my influence in homeschooling on @klout http://t.co/6jVXAlL1 #homeed #unschooling #
- The kids are loving Compass Quest @GreatWolfLodge! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/MXNKSdzu ? Top stories today via @1dad1kid @alyssaavant @hiphmschoolmoms #
- I'm having such a good time but it's exhausting. #needcoffee #
- So does running around with fake wands and compasses count as #homeschooling #
- My sister accidentally drank my coffee so when I replaced it I warned her not to drink it. I left the room and ca http://t.co/P6AUI6XH #
- We have the option of bowling or minigolf. #notsurewhattodo #
- … and so it continues. http://t.co/3cjldlA1 #
- Me, hubby and the kids are ready to pass out but we finished #compassquest @GreatWolfLodge #
- Just used the coolest ice cream machine ever! Video soon! http://t.co/7dnnLk6H #
- Check out my new list on @klout, featuring @2Wired2Tired, @musingsfromme, @mommywords, and @sofawned! http://t.co/7XhxTCz5 #
- Chasing Fireflies – Children’s Halloween Costumes http://t.co/ssKuQkkE RT: @ConnieFoggles #
- RT @sofawned: You should totally vote for @momspark: http://t.co/WDcBznA5 She's badass & since I can't enter this… the winner oughta b … #
- Heading to bed. Goodnight all! #
- We went bowling on a tiny lane that made me feel like a giant! #
- Miscellany Monday {blisters, God, epic winning, tears, bats and spiders} http://t.co/pNxKcShD by @SouthernNest #
- RT @RandomCoolChick Crazy Mama, Late Bloomer, J.P. Patches Farewell, Pause Button Search: RTT Rebel http://t.co/xVjXYafx #
- Good morning all. What's on your agenda today? #
- RT @interest_led: The Interest-Led Learning Daily is out! http://t.co/4PJlELFR ? Top stories today via @notthatkate @interest_led @harmo … #
- Making coffee makes me happy! #
- The Shunning DVD Review and Giveaway http://t.co/YVMGyj2Y from @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/lNqJDWbA ? Top stories today via @msaraann @freechildhood #
- Having way too much fun with Scrabble Cheez-Its http://t.co/3rvwjTbW #
- We left the lodge today for a quick dinner with relatives. #
- So tired. Off to bed! #
- Leonard Meets Penny on the Big Bang Theory http://t.co/CvoJNHeF via @ConnieFoggles #
- Wordless Wednesday with Linky – Dreaming of a Cruise http://t.co/2NvcrbV1 via @ConnieFoggles #
- The Perfect Paper Sword http://t.co/yfq5P8Gg via @RandomCoolChick #
- Money for (almost) Nothing $250 Cash Giveaway! | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/krLUAsat via @harmonicmama #
- From the blog: Money for (almost) Nothing $250 Cash Giveaway! http://t.co/v7i43NrE #
- Mmmm breakfast. #yayforvacation http://t.co/vNoSqgeA #
- So sad to leave @GreatWolfLodge. We had great time. #
- Wordless Wednesday-Dole Whip http://t.co/JT20dPKN via @MomMaven #
- Did you know I blog too? Don't forget to check me out at http://t.co/HOSck7cL #
- Need Some Christmas Money? How about a $250 CASH Giveaway! http://t.co/OcnyhDPM RT: @RandomCoolChick #
- Need Some Christmas Money? How about a $250 CASH Giveaway! http://t.co/lNpKUpoM RT: @RandomCoolChick #
- I just spent 20 minutes untangling a giant slinky in the car. #notfun #slinkyisthedevil #
- Almost home but stopping for @Starbucks! #ineedcoffee #
- Two rounds of the alphabet game down. #cargames #travel #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/N5aK0d9z ? Top stories today via @buehlered @ramblingheather @onelovelivity #
- Still not home but we're through our 3rd game of alphabet. #longcarride #
- RT @bargainshopmom: 20% Off Mini-Boden and Boden FREE Shipping/Returns Plus a FREE Gift – Sept 2011 – http://t.co/GX1OwexA #
- Betty Crocker Molasses Cookies Prize Pack Giveaway http://t.co/ol9kiaJc via @SouthernNest #
- Febreeze Set & Refresh Review http://t.co/maGmhPr7 from @SouthernNest #
- Ugh. It's 4:40 and I'm wide awake! #
- School District Makes Decision Without Child’s Needs in Mind http://t.co/92kSC1Vb via @ConnieFoggles #
- Vacations over back to reality. #notfun #
- Gold Medal White Whole Wheat Flour Prize Pack Giveaway http://t.co/2FnFz66y by @SouthernNest #
- Gold Medal White Whole Wheat Flour Prize Pack Giveaway http://t.co/W1JlaDmG by @SouthernNest #
- New to homeschooling? Looking for homeschooling laws in your state? Here you go http://t.co/fWYrpi9d #unschooling #homeschooling #law #
- Don't forget about Museum Day! Free admissions to tons of Museums. – http://t.co/n7MUpwKJ #unschooling #homeschooling #homeed #
- Hubby and I have a date night tonight with no plans. What should we do? #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/oUctsZtD ? Top stories today via @swiss_army_wife @freechildhood @lifeisjustthis #
- I agree. @llbeankop at least tell us the trail marker it was closest to. That way @shawnproctor and I would know if we were off base. #
- Late dinner with hubby then off to see Drive. #ihopeistayawake #
- RT @ConnieFoggles Collecting Sunglasses http://t.co/wWpGiPxB #
- I love going to movies on week nights! We have the entire theater to ourselves. #yay #
- RT @jshusterman -> You’ve Got To Fight To Make Up http://t.co/MAtmx6AQ #
- I stayed awake for (most of) the movie!!! #yayforme #
- Stalk Hop Friday – First Day of Fall! http://t.co/82HteTNV via @RandomCoolChick #
- General Mills Yummy Cereal Treat Bars Review and Giveaway http://t.co/Zx8AgkrY by @RandomCoolChick #
- Morning Coffee! http://t.co/KKpn8k7O #
- I'm totally sniffley this morning. I hope I'm not getting a cold. #justintimefortheweekend #
- Good morning. I hope everyone had a good day and that no one gets hit by falling space junk. #satellitehurtlingtowardsearth #
- RT @RandomCoolChick -> Fall Has Arrived! http://t.co/2XlQ1Pz5 #
- From the blog: Autumn on Etsy – Friday Finds http://t.co/UategzzH #
- Am i the only one who never types a CAPTCHA right the first time! #captchaisthedevil #
- Such a heartbreaking story. RT @mommywords: Boy bullied to death, dad says http://t.co/6VWiZQa6 < this has to stop. This broke my heart. #
- Such a great idea! Weather Window: Cloud Identification & Weather Prediction Activity Kit For Kids http://t.co/BTfjo9sj #homeschooling #
- Pure awesomeness! –> Chalkboard Contact Paper, 18" x 6' by Kittrich Corporation http://t.co/UdtL0MIb via @amazon #craft #kids #
- Sam’s Club and Yoplait Yogurt Giveaway http://t.co/WTcPhaMV RT @SouthernNest #
- RT @SouthernNest -> The Santa Club {book review} http://t.co/RVnPf9a2 #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/CZQugz7R ? Top stories today via @peninasharon @worldschooled @beautifulwreck2 #
- RT @MomMaven Frugal Friday 9-23-11 http://t.co/FmFQzFmV #
- Hanging at #fencing with my oldest! #unschooling #
- So tired I'm about to pass out on the bleachers at my daughters fencing class. #ineedcoffee #dontmindmeimjustsleeping #
- RT @momsmutterings: RT @DealiciousMom -> Angry Birds Printable Coloring Pages http://t.co/TC3SGDuB #
- RT @MomMaven COURAGEOUS Tony Dungy Talks to Dads http://t.co/Tx0VjgFq #
- I feel like complete ass today and have a headache that won't quit. #ihatebeingsick #
- Ragu-Mom’s the Word on Dinner Winner http://t.co/unqxgCkT via @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/5Bk7Jdq0 ? Top stories today via @freerangemoms @msaraann @alyssaavant #
- RT @ConnieFoggles Kidfresh Healthy Kids Meals Review and Giveaway http://t.co/eZ2un8oA #
- I have a fever, headache and I'm exhausted. #notafunwaytospendaweekend #
- On the plus side I've watched 2 documentaries and Breaking Bad on @Netflix #
- I'm sick so hubby made dinner. He made chicken ala king #ilovethisman http://t.co/VhbRVRuM #
- I hate taking naps during the day because this happens. I'm wide awake and it's nearly 1am. #
- Child Passenger Safety Week http://t.co/hhnTjKnq RT: @ConnieFoggles #
- Trying To Conceive With The First Response Fertility Test http://t.co/aqvOqVcm via @jshusterman #