- The Social Picnic Giveaway! Win $500 and more! | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/Do2X3WU via @HarmonicMama #
- Good morning all! #
- We saw the #Smurfs last night and it was much better than I expected. #notdisappointed #
- Ok I've got a whole chicken, winter squash and tons of greens. What should I make for dinner? #help #recipe #whatsfordinner #
- Off to, a late, breakfast. #
- Readers share heated opinions on ‘unschooling’: http://t.co/4ZbNFWd via @msnbc #unschooling #homeed #
- Caching up on #unschooling and #homeed news. #
- We do this! RT @OrganizerSandy: Clear out the kids toys before that b-day party or Christmas. Don't keep adding to all their toys. #cbias #
- Great list! RT @interest_led: 15 Unschooling & Interest-Led Learning Travelling Families You Should Get to Know http://t.co/Xp45pM8 #homeed #
- I've had a chicken "defrosting" in the fridge since Tuesday and it's still frozen. #
- Working on a #recipe for carrot cake muffins. I've got way too many carrots. #
- Mmm carrot muffins! http://t.co/G5cKmjK #
- Hubby went out to get some beer. I see a Brother Thelonious from North Coast Brewing Co. in my future. #ilovebeer #
- Oooh beer's home. Gotta go! #ilovebeer #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @lifeisjustthis @homeschoolblogs @nolamom76 #
- Halloween Costumes {review} http://t.co/OgnSkKh via @SouthernNest #
- Meet Me Monday – September is Here! http://t.co/08vS55S via @RandomCoolChick #
- Florida’s Largest Home Show Review #Tampa http://t.co/bephTZ0 via @ConnieFoggles #
- We Will Rock You with a Bohemian Rhapsody on the Stairway To Heaven in your Hotel California http://t.co/Pxx7q49 via @RandomCoolChick #
- Happy Labor Day. Any fun plans? #
- Recipe for the Muffins I made yesterday! Moist Whole Wheat Carrot Honey Muffins http://t.co/y4HzMI1 #food #recipe #yum #
- A Melancholy Weekend Recap http://t.co/PPTbDOA via @SouthernNest #
- We're going to grill this afternoon. I hope the rain stays away. #rainraingoaway #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @mahoganywaymama @parentatthehelm @unschoolersemp #
- Moist Whole Wheat Carrot Honey Muffins http://t.co/y4HzMI1 #food #recipe #yum #
- Moon Dough Ocean Pals Review http://t.co/nNghBIy via @ConnieFoggles #
- Had a great bbq today. The rain held off! #
- Last chance! Enter to win a box of Halo bars from @harminicmama & @theprobar http://t.co/LwYCyFH Ends 9/6 #organic #snacks #giveaway #
- I'm picking the winner of my giveaway at midnight. Will it be you? http://t.co/A8dj2ZL #
- My dog is sitting next to me trying to eat his leg. #ThingsThatDontMakeSense #
- Last chance! Enter to win a box of Halo bars from @harminicmama & @theprobar http://t.co/LwYCyFH Ends 9/6 #organic #snacks #win #
- Good to know I'm not alone with my bed bug fear! #TMOM #
- Watching #kateplus8 I've never seen a more miserable person. #notsurewhyimstillwatching #
- Great chat. Thanks. #TMOM #
- Last chance! Enter to win a box of Halo bars from @harminicmama & @theprobar bit.ly/oxktNo Ends 9/6 #organic #snacks #giveaway #
- Mouse-Aid – Nonprofit of the Month http://t.co/unnTvPJ via @ConnieFoggles #
- Toddler Antics and Angst, R.I.P. Nigel 1.0 – Make Way for Nigel 2.0: RTT Rebel http://t.co/O2Z2v9o via @RandomCoolChick #
- Hello Tuesday. You look an awful lot like Monday to me. #iwanttogobacktobed #
- Check out the winner of our Halo Bar Giveaway. Is it you? http://t.co/pnfu4vq #giveaway #winner #
- Not #backtoschool day! 7 Under-Appreciated Things About Homeschooling http://t.co/AIKN1yS #homeschooling #unschooling #notbacktoschool #
- Blogging by Candle Light http://t.co/LeBwYoL via @SouthernNest #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @cottrellbentley @peninasharon #
- At #fencing with my oldest. #
- Not #backtoschool day! 7 Under-Appreciated Things About Homeschooling bit.ly/rqc9oU #homeschooling #unschooling #
- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer http://t.co/ofHc2bI via @MomMaven #
- It's cold and raining buckets but my kids are outside in their swimsuits playing in the rain. #crazykids #
- Just RSVP'd for #Backpack11 #
- I have #tweetgrid all set up and a cup of coffee. I'm ready for #Backpack11 #
- Q1: We #homeschool so we wait till the rush is over. We haven't gone looking yet. #Backpack11 #
- Sounds like I should check out Staples. #Backpack11 #
- RT @centsiblelife: RT @graceduffy @kwillsmom, @mel4him, @doodle741 just won gift pack from @carolinapad! #Backpack11 #
- RT @justprecious: They also love carrots, peppers & sugarsnap peas, so we send really healthy lunches #Backpack11 #
- Congrats RT @graceduffy: @ebmommy @chacha572 @bsalzman just won a lunchbag from California Innovations! #Backpack11 #
- RT @justprecious: Q3: Bedtime routines aren't always easy! What's your bedtime routine on school nights? #Backpack11 #
- Q3: Teeth, shower, bed and they read till they fall asleep. #thesameeverynight #Backpack11 #
- Q4: Durable, waterproof labels. #Backpack11 #
- RT @centsiblelife: Q5: When's the last time you backed up your computer? #Backpack11 #
- RT @justprecious: 1 Q7 winner will receive $50 credits to @Snapfish http://www.snapfish.com #Backpack11 #
- Disney Junior Fall Programming Starts This Week! http://t.co/eNkUvDh via @MomMaven #
- Trying to hang in here but I'm too tired. Off to bed. Have fun! #Backpack11 #
- Little Dude the (Chocolate) Ham – Wordless/Wordful Wednesday http://t.co/NNmk1E0 via @RandomCoolChick #
- Good (rainy) morning. #
- The #coffee machine was broken yesterday. I hope it's fixed today. #itsanineedcoffeekindofday #
- Come on over and link up! Wordless Wednesday – Garden Fresh Veggies! http://t.co/NSWCQqX #ww #linky #wordlesswednesday #
- Unschooling and Natural Learners Webinar w Pat Farenga http://t.co/LoAgaKU #unschooling #homeed #lifelearning #
- One of my absolute favorite songs! Daughter by Loudon Wainwright III on @Grooveshark: http://t.co/5uVK32Y #love #
- Thanks for sharing! RT @KarenCardon 7 Under-Appreciated Things About Homeschooling | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/4cO3KPR #
- New to #homeschooling Check out the laws for your state here: http://t.co/M4ohahF #homeed #unschooling #
- This is good to hear! RT @TheHomeScholar: Colleges love #homeschoolers and give them scholarships http://t.co/RPtZmbJ #
- Come on over and link up! Wordless Wednesday – Garden Fresh Veggies! http://t.co/FydRbKA #ww #linky #wordlesswednesday #
- Running Along on Wednesday http://t.co/vSaPSC2 via @SouthernNest #
- Wordless Wednesday-The View I’m Dreaming Of http://t.co/Ix0m3aQ via @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @unschoolersemp @wietski @msaraann @askthelc #
- So looking forward to going out with friends tonight. It's our first time out with them without kids. #yayforbabysitters #
- Unschooling and Natural Learners Webinar w Pat Farenga http://t.co/LoAgaKU #unschooling #homeed #lifelearning #
- Homeschooling helped our family keep its 'groove' via Grace: A Magazine for Women: http://t.co/mKNl0HS #homeschooling #homeed #unschooling #
- These look great. -> Beat the heat: 30 no-bake dessert recipes from the L.A. Times… http://t.co/MifO7z3 #recipe #food #
- Had a great night out with friends. #yayforbabysitters #
- RT @madreazul: today i learned to
trust that my kids WANT to learn everyday #unschooling # - So very tired this morning. #needcoffee #
- Awesome deal! Art 101 250-Piece Artist Kit for $19.99 + $5 shipping http://t.co/S28vlwo via @wootkids #homeschooling #crafts #kids #
- How to make Banana “Ice Cream” in a Juicer | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/w2S9vWc #food #recipe #dairyfree #delicious #
- rt @MomMaven -> IDAPT Universal Charger-Review http://t.co/HVJBFUI #
- I just RSVP'd for #MomStorm w/@RustyandRosy & @BusyMommyMedia on 9/8 to talk about how to raise a reader http://t.co/eWmkFoG #
- New to homeschooling? Looking for homeschooling laws in your state? Here you go http://t.co/mnjITak #unschooling #homeschooling #law #
- RT @mrsgloves: A Grande Life Daily is out! http://t.co/UHCWC53 Top stories via @pbinmyhair @harmonicmama @wegmans @tammigirl @amotherworld #
- How to make dairy free Banana “Ice Cream” in a Juicer | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/w2S9vWc #food #recipe #dairyfree #delicious #
- Done for the day. #offtogetthekids #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @hobo_mama @mahoganywaymama @smapplegate #
- Ejoying a @SierraNevada #kellerweis after a long day. #yum #
- I'm excited to see what #Obama has to say. #
- Those were the largest envelopes I've ever seen. #obama #
- Loving the purple tie on Biden #addresstocongress #
- I hope the partisan bickering can stop and we can make some progress. #addresstocongress #
- Hmmm so the GOP doesn't think kids need good schools? #standup #addresstocongress #
- RT @HuffingtonPost: Obama to Congress: 'Pass this jobs plan right away' .. LIVE VIDEO: http://t.co/hOk86fP #
- Lots of good stuff for small businesses and unemployed! #addresstocongress #Obama #
- Seriously congress in HD is not so pretty. #Obamajobs #
- RT @
weezwrites: "What we can't do, what I will not do, is let this economic crisis as an excuse to wipe out basic protections." #Obamajobs # - This is our congress and some if them look confused as to how to clap. #notgood #Obamajobs #
- "Let's meet the moment. Let's get to work." #Obamajobs #whathesaid #
- I'm getting real-time search results at TweetGrid http://t.co/pnDPWTo #MomStorm #
- RT #MomStormQ1 What benefits do you see for your kids if they learn to love reading? #
- RT @busymommymedia: 2. Q2: What challenges have you run into when it comes to getting your kids excited about reading? Pls RT #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: We're getting ready to draw our first #giveaway We have a set of books from @RustyandRosy! #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Congrats to @iamaslackermom! You've won a set of @RustyandRosy books http://ow.ly/6pt5e #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Q3: How do you get your kids excited about reading? Pls RT #MomStorm #
- As a the one who's responsible for facilitating my kids reading it's important to me to have them engaged in it. #unschooling #MomStorm #
- Great idea! RT@thehugginghome I've heard if you have your kids record themselves reading a story it can help w/comprehension #MomStorm #
- So excited about winning a set of @RustyandRosy books! #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Congrats to @Momofthreeunder! You've won a @RustyandRosy DVD pack! http://ow.ly/6ptqS #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Congrats to @HuppieMama! You've won a @RustyandRosy DVD set! http://ow.ly/6ptuj #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Q6: What tips do you have for encouraging reluctant readers? Pls RT #MomStorm #
- RT @RustyandRosy: I think it is time to let you know you can get a special discount for visiting http://t.co/eJFA5cj #MomStorm #
- Did I just see someone say scrabble cheeze-its? #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Q8: How do you incorporate reading and literacy activities into your day? Pls RT #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Q9: How do you feel about the use of technology in education? Pls RT #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: We have 2 GRAND PRIZES coming up soon. 2 Four-month subscriptions to @RustyandRosy! #MomStorm #
- This was so much fun! So many great ideas. #MomStorm #
- RT Q10: @RustyandRosy has created a brand new blog as a resource for parents. What topics would you like to see them cover? Pls RT #MomStorm #
- RT @RustyandRosy: Here is the coupon code one more time http://t.co/eJFA5cj #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Congrats to @thehugginghome! You've won a 4 month subscription to @RustyandRosy! http://ow.ly/6puvI #MomStorm #
- How to make Banana “Ice Cream” | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/RKBYdwa via @harmonicmama #dairyfree #recipe #food #
- Ends in 5 min! Awesome deal! Art 101 250-Piece Artist Kit for $19.99 + $5 shipping http://t.co/S28vlwo via @wootkids #homeschooling #crafts #
- Happy (3rd) Blogiversary to ME – A Wino/Non-Wino Giveway for YOU! http://t.co/Y0rjhpt via @RandomCoolChick #
- Vote for me in the @cheapsally #bringhomethebacon contest! http://t.co/aCNf79x #
- Angry Bird and McQueen Together at Halloween http://t.co/q5m2O0o courtesy @RandomCoolChick #
- Will Our Kids be Ready for College? Are English Teachers Really doing their Jobs? http://t.co/GRKCmvv RT @SouthernNest #
- LOVE LOVE LOVE –> Daughter by Loudon Wainwright III on @Grooveshark: #nowplaying http://t.co/5uVK32Y #
- Just learned about these last night! What an awesome idea. Cheez-It Scrabble Crackers http://t.co/ZVjAKr9 #homeed #reading #superfun #
- From the blog: Friday Finds – Writing Resources for Kids http://t.co/7H5cpEh #
- Good morning all. #sogladitsfriday #
- I like my coffee black. Just curious, how do you like yours? #coffee #
- Friday Finds – Writing Resources for Kids | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/bwYDnWL #homeed #homeschooling #unschooling #
- Me too! RT @KarenCardon: @harmonicmama caffeinated! #
- RT @MomMaven COURAGEOUS Music Video http://t.co/w2gqCBJ #
- Damn you UR for not being a word! http://t.co/E2uOxAR #
- Hilarious! Go @cherrygarcia! Via @nprnews: Yes, It's True: Ben & Jerry's Introduces 'Schweddy Balls' Ice Cream Flavor | http://t.co/2p2HRJD #
- RT @ThisIsSethsBlog Seth's Blog: Back to (the wrong) school http://t.co/OEzT5q1 #unschooling #homeschooling #education #
- I am definitely making some more of these after work today! http://t.co/pHrfNvN #muffin #recipe #food #
- Anyone out there tried @rosettastone I would love to try it but I'm not sure if it's worth it. #language #unschool #homeschool #education #
- Social Picnic Winner Announced! | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/k1DIVon via @harmonicmama #
- From the blog: Social Picnic Winner Announced! http://t.co/DdSDOEg #
- Frugal Friday 9-9-11 http://t.co/OgtNUOG by @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @boba @homeschoolblogs @gerrykirk @organicsister #
- Home Schooling Gets An A+ In Canada http://t.co/oCF32ZO via @science2_0 #homeschooling #
- I'm in a fort! http://t.co/OvDNySD #
- I have literally worn my slippers all day! Even ran errands in them. #itwasgreat #
- The ants for the girls ant farm arrived today. We just got them all set up and they are super excited. #unschooling #fun #
- The ants are here! #antfarm http://t.co/kpyGoms #
- Good night all! I'm beat. #seeyouinthemorning #
- New Winners 9/9/2011 http://t.co/0U3tqfa by @ConnieFoggles #
- Building a Positive Relationship with your Child’s Doctor http://t.co/XqKUeik by @ConnieFoggles #
- Good morning. Any fun plans today? #
- At the arts & crafts fair. (@ Media, PA) http://t.co/VvNesqY #
- RT @ConnieFoggles Danimals Holds Rally for Recess http://t.co/Ty5inoY #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @unschoolersemp @inwriter @freechildhood #
- Had a great day! Spent most of the day at a street fair with the kids. #imtirednow #
- What are you doing with your #homescooled or #unschooled kids for the anniversary of 9/11? #
- Search For Hispanic Businesses on YaSabe http://t.co/1MHwu37 by @ConnieFoggles #
- Totally woke up at 4:30 for no good reason. #
- I love this house! It really is amazing. It's like a hobbit house. http://t.co/nb55L1K #diy #house #
- So sad. @petco should have done better. There's no excuse for this. http://t.co/T2sjgyG #whatatragedy #outrage #
- Peace is Possible From 9/11 http://t.co/eJ5g3be via @ConnieFoggles #