- Spent the morning helping the girls clean their room. 7 goodwill & 3 trash bags later it’s done. It’s the cleanest room in the house. #
- Verbatim Clip-It USB Drive Review and Giveaway http://t.co/mwrKuUa via @ConnieFoggles #
- I received +K in parenting from @Leighbra, thanks! http://t.co/3D1an9T #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @laurieacouture @yayforhome @unschool #
- Sorting more clothes to be donated! More stuff for @GoodwillIntl. #
- Do you set a limit for the amount of clothes your kids have? I’ve reduced them to 20 tops 10 bottoms 5 dresses and some pjs. #isthatenough #
- One of my jobs as a parent is to #ProvokeCuriosity in my kids. Help them love learning and they’ll love to learn. #unschooling #
- I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep. #thissucks #
- Emotionally Up & Down http://t.co/I35NV3E via @jshusterman #
- We Tamed the Beast. It’s Name was Clutter! | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/fLKW0As via @HarmonicMama #
- Back to Homeschooling with AboutOne http://t.co/nWV3uie via @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @kimliving @alexia_nekota @freechildhood #
- Scored a Champion juicer of Craigslist today, for a great price, from a lovely older couple with a passion for carrot juice. #deal #
- We Tamed the Beast. It’s Name was Clutter! http://t.co/fLKW0As via @HarmonicMama #
- I’m dying to use the juicer now! I’ve got tons of veggies, apples and bananas. Any recipe suggestions? #juice #recipe #
- My sexy new juicer! http://t.co/uLq2x80 #
- Yum! http://t.co/pxFpF1D #juicefromyawesomejuicer #
- The darn dog woke us up to go out at 3:30. Then he wanted water. Now I’m wide awake and he’s sound asleep on the bed. #
- Juice! | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/oVBIIf8 via @HarmonicMama #
- I gave @Leighbra +K about family on @klout http://t.co/mUkngnN #
- I gave @Leighbra +K about blogging on @klout http://t.co/mUkngnN #
- Holy crap we had an earthquake. #wtf #eastcoast #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @daynalmartin @worldschooled @unschoolersemp #
- Jungle Speed Game Review & Giveaway http://t.co/KjYe3Cw via @MomMaven #
- At the TimeBank Media event! (@ Hillside Farm w/ @semccully) http://t.co/UR4c0Y9 #
- Back To School So Bravely http://t.co/ytpTUcZ via @ConnieFoggles #
- Wordless Wednesday Wilderness Lodge Disney with Linky #WW http://t.co/ddBNCq4 via @ConnieFoggles #
- Woke up with a sore throat. #nothappy #
- Wordless Wednesday – Retro Egg Cup w/linky http://t.co/mPcuquV via @HarmonicMama #
- I’m sharing my @ScoreBig Klout Perk! Get $25 off & instant access to #ScoreBig Great Seats for Less. Get it at: http://t.co/q8cmLuu #
- Wordless Wednesday w linky! Hop on over and link up. http://ow.ly/6borI #ww #linky #
- Link up for Wordless Wednesday! http://ow.ly/6bouj #ww #linky #
- Awesome puzzle toys on theFoundry for under $10! http://t.co/uFNxnZB #kids #toys #spon #deal #
- Awesome! Photography fieldtrips. http://ow.ly/6bNnU #photo #tour #spon #groupon #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @joannegreco @laurieacouture @hsofia #
- Become an Overnight Success (in Fifteen Years) http://t.co/yQpXToA /via @shawnproctor #
- Having some iced coffee and browsing Ikea.com for desk for the kids. We’re going to reward them for their massive room cleaning with desks. #
- I have not one but two #Ikea stores within 20 miles of my house. #imtotallyspoiled #
- Wow #SteveJobs is retiring as CEO of Apple effective immediately. #ihopehesok #
- Off to dinner and then to Ikea to get desks. Can I pick anyone up anything? 😉 #
- Fastest trip to Ikea ever. In and out with 2 desks and 2 chairs in 15 min. (@ IKEA w/ 4 others) http://t.co/lslHVCg #
- 2 hours & 10 minutes after their purchase we have 2 fully assembled desks & chairs. Hopefully tomorrow we’ll have two happy kids. #ikea #
- Coffee!!!! #howiloveyouso #
- $20 for $40 toward a rental from Avis Car Rental | http://t.co/Jzrxzq9 #travel #deal #spon #savings #
- What a storm! #
- Philly people are you doing anything to your house to prepare for the hurricane? #
- Our house has lots of glass doors and we’re surrounded by trees. I’m not sure what to do! #hothappyaboutthehurricane #hurricaneirene #
- It’s looking like #huricaneirene is going to hit the Philly area at a Category 1 which is bad but not board up the windows bad. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @soultravelers3 @organicsister @wietski #
- Q&A with Aimee Teegarden-Disney’s PROM http://t.co/xokfbZm via @MomMaven #
- Love Is Not Abuse Teen Dating Education http://t.co/s7KHTgf via @ConnieFoggles #
- So should we?!? RT @AcesUpSP: @JohnBolaris hey john i live in south philly should i be boarding up my windows? #
- 101 Offline Activities You Can Do With Your Child Review and Giveaway http://t.co/8Qmc9RU via @MomMaven #
- Oh my god it’s nuts! Everyone’s gone crazy. Even getting gas is difficult. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @1dad1kid @leighbra @vhernandez #
- I’ve taken everything off the deck while it’s dry. #
- Took all the furniture off the deck & moved it inside. Next is the patio then securing some outside stuff that can’t come in. #almostdone #
- Is it wrong that I’m hoping the hurricane will clear off the unwanted leaves and acorns on the deck? #
- From these stats it looks like you’re more likely to be struck by lightning than to die in a hurricane. http://t.co/Q56Ak9r #funfacts #
- A Musical Night Out http://t.co/OfTjis1 via @jshusterman #
- I’m heading to Trader Joes soon to see what’s available food wise. #wishmeluck #
- Thanks! RT @worldschooled: My own #FF love goes to @famtrek @interest_led @valinreallife @harmonicmama @YippeeTrio Have a great weekend all! #
- I unlocked ‘Summer of Klout’ on @Klout! http://t.co/KZQCPqY #
- Trip to Trader Joes was a non issue. Plenty of bread, milk and water. #win #
- You can freeze things like cheese, lunch meat, butter etc… now so that if your power goes out it will last longer. #hurricaneirene #tip #
- Q&A with Thomas McDonell of Disney’s PROM http://t.co/MmmuInM via @MomMaven #
- The rain has started! #
- Winners – Publix Gift Card and Math Blaster http://t.co/7nR94gn via @ConnieFoggles #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/nvitPHT ? Top stories today via @msaraann @soultravelers3 @organicsister #
- Being Geeky With The Big Bang Theory http://t.co/f0O9VZF via @ConnieFoggles #
- I’m at Hurricanepocalypse – Irene 2011 w/ @semccully http://t.co/xIvnB1V #
- Clue Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Edition http://t.co/7Lxgngc via @ConnieFoggles #