- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @leighbra #
- My Granny passed away on Friday, she was feisty & amazing. As my sister said she probably greeted St. Peter with a "How the hell are you?" #
- I'm exhausted and not doing well at catching up so I'm #offtobed Goodnight. #
- Summer Vacation is Winding Down-Stay Sharp with Mentor Interactive http://t.co/EmiAmSb via @MomMaven #
- Healthy Eating With Marie Callender’s Under 500 Calorie Meals http://t.co/1MPzgn5 via @ConnieFoggles #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @joannegreco @mariliasurf @kimliving @noagendahs #
- The dog is scared of the storm and is laying on the pillow next to me. #
- Back to School with ReBinder Eco-Friendly School Supplies http://t.co/KyseEs1 via @MomMaven #
- The Grace Card DVD Review and Giveaway http://t.co/kHpXD6P via @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @dszp @hiphmschoolmoms @harmonicmama @unschool #
- Back To School For Kids With Special Needs http://t.co/w7tzl9J via @ConnieFoggles #
- Math Blaster Giveaway Extended http://t.co/ITCUKb7 via @ConnieFoggles #
- Wordless Wednesday – Disney Night Lights with Linky http://t.co/1qp88dB via @ConnieFoggles #
- Weight Loss Wednesday-What’s New http://t.co/K76XaKZ via @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @parentatthehelm @organicsister #
- I just listened to a thunderstorm roll in. I love that. #
- Time for Back to School Haircuts with Fantastic Sams http://t.co/pizM81u via @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @freechildhood @askthelc #
- Three Jars Helping Manage Your Child’s Money http://t.co/dzODf6Z via @MomMaven #
- Trying to get back to normal after two stressful weeks. #
- So what's for dinner? #
- Great back to school lunch bags and containers at the foundry. http://t.co/hO9rncl #backtoschool #
- Register today for @klout and help me be the first user to get access to Klout's new topic pages! http://t.co/Ovv5ExC #
- I'm sharing my $10 #TheClymb Klout Perk! Great deals on premium outdoor gear here: http://t.co/oQPk82S #
- I gave @shawnproctor +K about writing on @klout http://t.co/QikXu9u #
- According to @Klout, @harmonicmama's Klout score is 49. How influential are you? http://t.co/PtuGvc7 #
- Trying to get some work done before the power goes out with this storm. #
- Ants invaded our kitchen a couple of weeks ago. We thought we had them under control but today they attacked the coffee maker. #nothappy #
- #WorstFeeling Finding ants in your coffee maker. #BestFeeling Getting them out! #
- Hubby took the kids out for water ice, in the rain. At least I get some peace and quite for a little. #
- Making some cold brewed coffee for tomorrow. http://t.co/mA2FJFv #ilovecoffee #
- Looks like the storm's finally over. It was one hell of a storm. #
- The wet dog just came in, ran into the bedroom and laid on my pillow. #thankspooch #
- Supplies To Stay Organized In School http://t.co/WddNlhg via @ConnieFoggles #
- Done work. Now to organize and sort the mountains of clean laundry that have been looming! #sodisorganized #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @1dad1kid @unschoolersemp @consciousmamauk #
- Publix Great Deals on Great Meals $25 Gift Card Giveaway http://t.co/ipSlrTl via @ConnieFoggles #
- Winner of The Help Prize Pack http://t.co/m3IFpSC via @MomMaven #
- Bye Bye Netflix, Hello Vudu http://t.co/HetmuWw via @jshusterman #
- My internal clock has decided to set a daily alarm for 6:30 am. #nosleepforme #
- Granny | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/MFnFMBs via @HarmonicMama #
- Town council just approved a 109 room Hampton Inn. I wonder how this will change things. #notsureifhappyorsad #
- The kids and their friends are up despite having not gone to sleep until MIDNIGHT! #sleepoverfun #ineedcoffee #
- Turning the Clock Back: You want to do WHAT with a poopy diaper? Alternative fuels you may never h.. http://t.co/e8pMvIK #
- My 8yo can read but doesn't. Any ideas on encouraging her to do more reading? #unschooling #homeed #
- Looking for a flirty apron? http://t.co/53jRbYb #cooking #spon #groupon #food #
- Fresh tomato with arugula and mayo on wheat! #whatsforlunch #yum #
- Smoothie Recipe http://t.co/LGRX5qm via @MomMaven #
- I put in my first #timebank request yesterday and earned some #timedollars today. Do you have a timebank in your community? #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @joannegreco @mrsantunov @buehlered @peninasharon #
- Ugh. One of our tomato trellises broke. Not sure yet what the damage is. #
- Mmmmmm cookies. http://t.co/eDtkXsL #
- Just informed my 6yo that she did not my hubby or I to entertain her. She said "You're right mama." & wandered off to play. #wowthatworked #
- Stop Coddling the Super-Rich: http://t.co/NlURxfJ #
- I love outdoor movies! #
- Granny | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/MFnFMBs #
- I. Am. Exhausted. #goodnight #