- How to Make a Popsicle Stick & Wooden Bead Trivet http://bit.ly/p3CgNd #crafts #retro #fun #easy #
- Have a safe trip back home all you #BlogHer11 ladies! #
- Heading down to the garden to weed and gather our bounty. #
- Super simple sunday craft – Retro Popsicle Stick Trivet http://bit.ly/p3CgNd #craft #easy #awesome #
- Got the first of our cherry tomatoes out of the garden! #yum #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @harmonicmama @parentatthehelm @lifelearningmag #
- How to Make a Popsicle Stick & Wooden Bead Trivet | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/6HpQnpZ via @HarmonicMama #
- The Foundry has some amazing modern #furniture and #kitchen deals going on right now http://bit.ly/h9ubtx #spon #
- I have a headache that just won't quit. #nothappy #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @homeschoolcurr @peninasharon @unschool @1dad1kid #
- Pizza night! Now to get a consensus for what to put on top. Any suggestions? #
- Making plans to go out for #drinks tomorrow night! #
- This looks awesome! -> The Geek Dad's Guide to Weekend Fun: Cool Hacks, Cutting-Edge Games http://t.co/KHOPgjq #homed #spon #usnchooling #
- TheFoundary has 26 oz steel water bottles for $9 http://t.co/uFNxnZB #deal #spon #savings #dumptheplastic #
- Puzzle time! http://instagr.am/p/JvEmM/ #
- I'm sharing my @plumdistrict Klout Perk! Get your $10 #PlumPerk here: http://t.co/lflNxhM #
- Not feeling so great. I've had a headache all day. Heading to bed and hoping it goes away. #goodnight #
- Just spent 20 minutes in the laundry closet with two crying kids, a dog and one mother-in-law due to a tornado warning. #notfun #
- Speaking of tornados any suggestions as to where to go in a house with no basement? Our bottom floor is half buried. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @interest_led @innerwizdom @freechildhood #
- Date Night – Online Groupon Roundup twrt.me/txoxy #
- Comics: If Male Superheroes Posed Like Wonder Woman – @Jezebel http://t.co/lLKlHcS #
- The dog is wide awake and wondering why I'm not. #
- WIN! 4 tickets to Clementon Park on Monday Aug. 15th 2011. From @HarmonicMama, @joeyfortman and @957BenFM http://bit.ly/rmMt9I #giveaway #
- WIN! 4 tickets to Clementon Park on Monday Aug. 15th 2011. From @harmonicmama, @joeyfortman and @957BenFM http://bit.ly/rmMt9I #giveaway #
- Stop by and link up for Wordless Wednesday http://ow.ly/5ZCP7 #ww #wordlesswednesday #mycoolhat #
- Stop by, check out my hat, and link up for Wordless Wednesday http://ow.ly/5ZCSc #ww #wordlesswednesday #mycoolhat #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @smapplegate @swiss_army_wife #
- Walking For Neurofibromatosis http://t.co/ESTEVTa via @jshusterman #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @askthelc @bville_girl @mahoganywaymama #
- Upcoming Disney Junior Events…in California http://t.co/znI4ytP via @MomMaven #
- It's been a long couple of days. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @guerrillamom @freechildhood @nicolefaires #
- This Week’s Winners http://t.co/Alob03n via @MomMaven #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://t.co/uYzmALj ? Top stories today via @njoylifeunskuln @sattvicfamily @1dad1kid #
- Finding A New Home http://t.co/kGyFnmF via @jshusterman #