- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @unschool @alyssaavant @wietski @beautifulwreck2 #
- Back to reality tomorrow. #vacationisover #
- Letting go of Worry – http://bit.ly/pILFxp #kids #parenting #
- Lunch!!! #
- Sponsorship opportunities are still available for August on HarmonicMama.com http://ow.ly/5SpGv #affordable #ads #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @lesamcmahon @thehsvillage @freechildhood #
- Do you worry? http://bit.ly/pILFxp #
- The weather says there’s a big storm coming our way. Looking outside at the sun and clouds you wouldn’t know it. #
- Great piece! Jim Mullen: Let’s try ‘unschooling’ http://t.co/nksDJFa #homeed #homeschooling #socialization #
- Astra Taylor on the Unschooled Life http://ow.ly/5SxCw #unschooling #
- Now it’s starting to look stormy out. #
- Off on a date w/my hubby. #
- Date night means ignoring each other without the kids. 😉 http://instagr.am/p/JHfMA/ #
- We’re actually just killing time @Starbucks before a movie. #datenight #
- I received +K in homeschooling from @Leighbra, thanks! http://t.co/3D1an9T #
- Flying Delta to #BlogHer Check this out. RT @chrisguillebeau
Free WiFi on Delta flights for all of August – use code DIETCOKEGOGO. # - Heading off to @oldnavy. I desperately need new jeans. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @msaraann @peninasharon @kimliving #
- Hanging at Fencing. #
- “You’re not trying to win. You’re trying to fence.” #fromthefencingcoach #
- My family is drowning in clothes, the kids mostly. Any tips on sorting, organizing and donating? #needhelp #
- Happy wifi day. 08.02.11 #
- Watching the new ThunderCats with the family! #
- Wordless Wednesday (w/linky) | Harmonic Mama http://bit.ly/rofvxD #ww #flowers #garden #photo #
- Grabbing my first cup of #coffee for the day. Not sure why I waited so long. #
- Link up! Wordless Wednesday (w/linky) | Harmonic Mama http://bit.ly/rofvxD #ww #flowers #garden #photo #
- Advertising opportunities are still available for August at HarmonicMama.com http://bit.ly/n7keoP #affordable #smallbiz #
- This sounds wonderful! – $1,199 Four-Night Rainforest Retreat Package for Two ($2,452 value) | Groupon http://ow.ly/5U2ny #spon #travel #
- I’m excited to see all the #blogher11 tweets this week. #wishiwasthere #
- Link up now! Wordless Wednesday (w/linky) | Harmonic Mama http://bit.ly/rofvxD #ww #flowers #garden #photo #
- Wordless Wednesday w/linky http://bit.ly/rofvxD #ww #flowers #garden #photo #linkup #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @unschool @mahoganywaymama @unschoolersemp #
- 100 Best Children’s Books via #Babble http://t.co/lj1kt4l #homeed #unschooling #
- Please +K my influence in parenting on @klout http://t.co/Sw5qjtv #
- Please +K my influence in children on @klout http://t.co/3wo1Q9Y #
- I’m @get_cosi but the only wifi I can connect to is the @Starbucks across the street. # fail #
- Decisions, decisions. http://instagr.am/p/JRF-H/ #
- Decision made. #yum #beer http://instagr.am/p/JRHWF/ #
- Just got served a raw burger. It was no where even near rare and I actually ordered medium. #atleastihavemybeer #
- I told the waitress I didn’t want a replacement and all I got was a “sorry snout your burger.” #badcustomerservice #
- Left the restaurant. Now having a brownie for dinner. http://instagr.am/p/JRRTz/ #
- Just saw #CrazyStupidLove #lovedit #
- Don’t forget to link up http://t.co/OyKynzu #ww #WordlessWednesday #linky #
- Bob Saget’s standup is just sad. #notfunnyatall #sosad #
- Had iced coffee at 7pm. It’s 1am now and I can’t sleep. #
- Good morning all! Rainy and dreary here. How’s your weather #atleastitsgoodforthegarden #
- Flat tire! This is the 2nd time a valve on my tire has broken off. Shot off when I put the cap on. #Mazda sucks. http://t.co/Jgm9mFv #
- Now I get to change a flat tire in the rain. #funtimes #
- It’s kind of empowering to change your own tire! #girlsrock http://t.co/XHKJnK2 #
- Took my car to #justtires Not going to to give my @masdausa dealer any more money for faulty tire valves and bad installs. #
- Taking the back way to work on the donut. #flattiressuck #
- It’s been one of those mornings that feel like an entire day. #
- Finally #coffee #
- RT @aely Oh no 🙁 Virginia Tech Alert: Person with gun spotted on campus http://t.co/7wDJIfW #VirginiaTech #
- LOVE this pear knitting pattern! I so want to try it. http://ow.ly/5V9Ff via @mamma4earth #knitting #crafts #
- RT @ambika_g: Gotta love this: Stat of the Day: 25% of Toddlers Have Used a Smartphone http://t.co/0rX57qP #blogher #
- For those not going to #blogher don’t forget about the #BlogHer11 virtual con. http://ow.ly/5Vcye #notatblogher #
- Unschoolers learn what they want, when they want http://t.co/VekpGrH #cnn #unschooling #homeed #
- Trying to decide what to have for lunch. Greek or Pizza. #nicetohaveoptions #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @freechildhood @hobo_mama @soultravelers3 #
- Hanging with my Granny. She’s looking pretty good today! #
- Dinner in #ikea #
- Letting the kids each get a bag of random hardware from @ikea. So much fun for only $1. http://t.co/sQWdkkV #
- I was up totally too late last night. Hitting the hay. #goodnight #
- Wearing my new jeans today. #yayfriday #
- It’s a thermos full of #coffee kind of day. http://instagr.am/p/JY9eS/ #
- Unschooling Success Stories | Harmonic Mama http://bit.ly/pM9OBn #homeed #homeschooling #
- Blogging Through Life Changing Events http://twrt.me/34z2z via @ConnieFoggles #
- 10 things about boob feeding that only I’m going to tel you. You my friend, are welcome. http://t.co/6thhuIF via @MODGinurface #
- Math Blaster Review and Giveaway http://twrt.me/30hnf via @ConnieFoggles #
- An Indoor Kind Of Day http://twrt.me/df59u via @jshusterman #
- Weight Loss Wednesday-What’s to Say http://twrt.me/9aw37 via @MomMaven #
- Good morning. Hope all you #BlogHer11 ladies are having a great time! #
- One day in and there’s no new content on the #BlogHer11 virtual con site. #boo http://ow.ly/5W6w1 #
- Court Rules that Organic Farmers Can Sue for Pesticide or GMO Trespass http://bit.ly/riD9oW (via @organicconnect) #gardening #organic #
- Psyched about #BlogHer12 being in NYC! #
- Having a seriously yummy but unhealthy lunch. #
- I just found out that these existed! I so want one. http://t.co/0q6nKwG @ardrone #flyingawesomeness #toysforadults #
- Yay! Weekend! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @mariliasurf @hiphmschoolmoms @peninasharon #
- The kids are at gradma’s and I have no plans but my internal clock has decided to wake me. #sleepfail #nomoresleepforme #
- Watching #Hoarders #
- It’s a lounging in my slippers kind of day. http://instagr.am/p/JgapF/ #
- Home made salsa! #yum #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @lifeisjustthis @homeschoolblogs @idzie #
- I saw this in a store today. Did a double take. #whatweretheythinking http://instagr.am/p/JhnT2/ #
- Heading to the #capitalgrille for hubby’s birthday dinner. #
- I just ousted Jeff F. as the mayor of The Capital Grille on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/bkZv9I #
- Awesome date night! Even got my first mayorship on #foursquare #