- Cool, I'm about to reach 1,000 followers! See the rest of my stats at Twitter Counter: http://twtr.to/bsO #
- We got a great haul from the garden this morning. 5 cucumbers, tons of kale and lettuce, a bunch of radishes and some basil. #growyourown #
- This looks awesome! Definitely going to try it for dinner. Swiss Chard cake http://t.co/yUDgxzM #
- Off to organize and cleanup outside. #funtimes #
- I wish I had a pool to jump into! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @homeschoolmo @msaraann @hobo_mama @harmonicmama #
- Margarita! http://instagr.am/p/H6ROp/ #
- Good morning all! #
- Perfect Iced Coffee Using the Cold Brewing Method | Harmonic Mama http://bit.ly/qmDBH4 #coffee #yum #food #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @mahoganywaymama @somewhatcrunchy #
- Drinking some #icedcoffee and catching up on some stuff. http://t.co/mA2FJFv #
- The Social Picnic Giveaway! Over $800 in Prizes! | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/5gpRKcT via @HarmonicMama #
- Iced coffee ftw! http://instagr.am/p/H-mQ4/ #
- Came home from #HarryPotter to an ant invasion in our kitchen! #
- Early lunch. It's that kind of day! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @unschool @freechildhood @mommyrevenue #
- At #fencing with my oldest. #
- Watching #weeds #
- I'm up an hour early, for no good reason. Damn you internal clock. #
- I'm looking for some tips on things to do and must see places in Boston? Any ideas? #travel #tips #mustsee #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @leighbra @msaraann @organicsister @avocadogreta #
- Wordless Wednesday **linky** http://t.co/HLWxaZu #ww #linky #
- Great article on visualizing how your stuff owns you. http://t.co/pD7OJS4 #frugal #finance #
- A rep from @PennPIRG just knocked on the door! They are currently working to fight #childhoodobesity . We rejoined! #goodcause #
- The Social Picnic $500 Giveaway Winner is… http://t.co/PsDzcWY #giveaway #winner #
- Looking for a great giveaway? Enter to win a $25 Home Depot eGift Card from @Tech_mom_o_gy and #CableMover #
- Thanks for including me! RT @megsamommy The Meg's a Mommy Daily is out! http://t.co/vrd6XvU #
- Sleep is creeping in. Goodnight all. Sweet Dreams. #offtobed #
- The Best Whole Wheat Zucchini Bread Ever http://t.co/bo56jIX #
- The Best Whole Wheat Zucchini Bread Ever http://t.co/bo56jIX #recipe #food #awesomeness #
- Groupon Deal – Complete DVD Sets from National Geographic Store. | http://t.co/YoghoQY #savings #deals #education #homeschooling #
- The paper towel dispenser just tried to attack me … twice. #
- Yummy whole wheat zucchini bread! http://t.co/jI8bzHa #recipe #food #yum #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @peninasharon @freechildhood @unschoolersemp #
- Sorry @crackerbarrel but Sour Patch kids came out in the mid 80s not in the 70s. #fail http://t.co/nOcmOvd #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @lifelearningmag @nolamom76 @smapplegate #
- Friday Finds: Great Online Groupon Deals – Photo and Chocolate Eddition! | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/8qVVWFj #
- Ran around in 102 degree heat for a scavenger hunt. It paid off. We won! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @somewhatcrunchy @hiphmschoolmoms @peninasharon #
- My internal clock strikes again. I'm up an hour before I need to be. #thissucks #
- All attempts to go back to sleep have failed. #nowforsomecoffee #