- Happy Father's Day! – Star Wars Style http://bit.ly/lRw8ZA #fathersday #starwars #
- From the blog: Happy Father’s Day! – The girls really planned ahead this year and have been anxiously waiting for fa… http://ow.ly/1dkkL5 #
- Happy Father's Day! – Star Wars Style http://bit.ly/lRw8ZA #fathersday #starwars #
- From the blog: Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19 – The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUp… http://ow.ly/1dkqn5 #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @kimliving @unschoolersemp @homeschoolmo #
- So sad #RyanDunn of Jackass fame died in a car crash early this morning. There was nothing left of the car. #sosad #rip #
- From the blog: Recycle Plastic Cups and Bottles into Attractive Woven Containers http://ow.ly/1dlz9X #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @organicsister @wietski @swiss_army_wife #
- At a concert in Philly unexpectedly. #fun #ifeelold #
- Home and tired after a looooooong day. Off to bed! #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @mahoganywaymama #
- At fencing! #homeschooling #unschooling #
- Happy #firstdayofsummer everyone! I hope you're having an awesome day! #
- Moroccan Couscous for dinner. #yum #whatsfordinner #
- The kids and hubby are playing Dinosaur Smash! http://t.co/7nZPASS #homeschooling #unschooling #fun #
- RT @PunkRock_Mommy: Check this Out! It seems like it's going to be lots of Fun! I'm taking the challenge, will you? http://t.co/hUYUlGE #
- Wordless Wednesday – Attack of the Stag Beetle http://bit.ly/ilCp0D #linky #ww #
- From the blog: Wordless Wednesday – Attack of the Stag Beetle http://ow.ly/1dnSek #
- RT @mistergesl: @BuehlerEd I knew about "unschooling" but there's such a thing as "uncollege" ? #
- Attack of the Stag Beetle http://bit.ly/ilCp0D #ww #linky #
- So #whatsforlunch #
- Heading home then off to the Y to workout and swim. Elliptical I'm comin' for ya'! #tryingtogetinshape #
- On the #homeschool agenda … swimming. #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @swiss_army_wife @organicsister #
- 30 mins of swimming, 15 on elliptical and 18 on the bike! #gettinginshape #
- Our @teacollection order came! The dresses are beautiful! #
- What is the point of making a reservation at a restaurant if you still have to wait. #nothappy #
- Free tortilla chips to tide us over while we wait. #happynow #
- Just found out #capitalone bought #ING #thissucks #
- Wordless Wednesday – Attack of the Stag Beetle bit.ly/ilCp0D #linky #ww #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @unschool @worldschooled @summerminor @idzie #
- What a super cute idea! #thisrocks http://t.co/qOKOPA0 #
- Good morning. Thunders rumbling outside. I think we're in for a storm. #
- Some great @etsy Finds – Beautiful Bags http://bit.ly/kAzMnZ #handmade #etsy #
- RT @apichea: A Public School Teacher Talks Homeschooling http://t.co/3P1PZqE via @HipHmschoolMoms #
- Trying to get motivated and out of the house! Lots to do today. #
- Beautiful Bags! http://bit.ly/kAzMnZ #handmade #etsy #
- I guess Ruby's made some changes. #strangestrikethrough http://t.co/ibyKoOR #
- I've got a great craft post coming soon. A good way to use up old t-shirts. #crafts #diy #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @smapplegate @harmonicmama #
- I have an appointment with an elliptical. #gettinginshape #
- From the blog: Beautiful Bags! bit.ly/kAzMnZ #handmade #etsy #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @unschoolersemp @wietski @homeschoolmo #
- Hanging in town with my hubby and the dog. #
- We made these today! http://t.co/kgfpdoL they turned out great! #yum #science http://t.co/p8VkTH4 #
- With IHOP and Amtrak trending all I can think of is some horrible pancake induced train wreck. #thanksimagination #