- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @lifelearningmag @homeschoolmo #
- Just finished up a great post for tomorrow. A review of a great fun product that my family has really been enjoying. #blog #review #
- Off to have drinks with a friend! #girlsnightout #
- Homemade Natural Soda with SodaStream http://bit.ly/lJbo5t #review #soda #diy #savings #blog #
- Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest and Giveaway http://iawtp.me/vavo via @ConnieFoggles #
- Evaluation For Learning Disability Granted http://icymi.me/wi75 via @ConnieFoggles #
- RT @tonerefillstore: Spelling Bee Words Flashcards – Printable Study Tool for Your Prodigy. Click here: http://t.co/3uU2UUr #homeschooling #
- DIY Natural Soda with SodaStream http://bit.ly/lJbo5t #review #soda #diy #savings #blog #
- I'm totally loving my @SodaStreamUSA machine! http://t.co/jUpF9aQ #saving #natural #soda #
- Buffalo fries for lunch. Yum! #sonotgoodforme #
- Ejoy Home Made Natural Soda with SodaStream http://bit.ly/lJbo5t #review #soda #diy #deals #blog #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @idzie @msaraann @smapplegate @mahoganywaymama #
- Taking the kids to see Judy Moody tonight. They are super excited. #FamilyMovie #mondaymovienight #
- Judy Moody and the No Bummer Summer was awesome. My girls loved it too! #
- 8:36 and it's still quite light out! #ilovesummer #
- DIY Natural Soda with @SodaStreamUSA bit.ly/lJbo5t #review #soda #diy #savings #blog #
- Great Groupon deal – $15 for $50 worth of photobooks, cards and more from Mixbook! http://t.co/PiAh5Tx #savings #photobook #deal #
- Super Simple Dessert – Strawberry Sunrise http://bit.ly/m67UWo #recipe #dessert #shortbread #yum #
- Kohls Cares Information and Package Giveaway http://bwtm.co/lnb3 via @ConnieFoggles #
- So what's for lunch? I'm having spinach salad. #whatsforlunch #
- Heading home then off to see my sister. #
- Super Simple Dessert – Strawberry Sunrise bit.ly/m67UWo #recipe #dessert #shortbread #yum #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @freeeducationu @ponnsabra @nolamom76 @askthelc #
- I saw geese walking on the Pa turnpike tonight! I guess they were confused by the storm. #crazybirds #
- Super Simple Dessert – Strawberry Sunrise bit.ly/m67UWo #recipe #dessert #shortbread #food #easy #
- Wordless Wednesday (linky) – Science! http://bit.ly/iBrI6s #linky #ww #wordlesswednesday #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @hiphmschoolmoms @avocadogreta @worldschooled #
- Wordless Wednesday (linky) – Science! bit.ly/iBrI6s #linky #ww #wordlesswednesday #
- What a beautiful morning! Nice and cool. #
- Worked out yesterday, did a measly 5 min on the elliptical, 10 on a spin bike & did some walking &swimming too. Today my body is rebelling. #
- Just checked and my @teacollection order is in Reno, NV. I can't wait for it to get here! #
- Spinach salad for lunch! I'm secretly hoping to turn into Popeye! #
- Did you know you could deliver an @Amazon Gift Card via a @Facebook wall post? http://t.co/cocGKSD #whoknew #colormesurprised #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @wietski @mommyrevenue @msaraann @nolamom76 #
- Hanging at #fencing class with my oldest. #unschooling #
- RT @busymommymedia: Q7: Where do you find ideas for science projects to do w/ your kids? #MomStorm #
- Q7: Blogs and teacher resource sites. Also various TV channel web sites like Discover.com #MomStorm #
- Ugh I meant Discovery.com not discover for Q7 #MomStorm #
- That's a great idea too! RT @beeacutie2: @busymommymedia honestly a bath tub has helped so many times! #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: getting ready to draw our 4th winner of a S’mores on a Stick kit from @SciExplorer! http://twitpic.com/5cksks #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: Q9: How do you structure a science project so your kids can do the thinking? Pls RT #MomStorm #
- RT @busymommymedia: We’re getting ready to draw our last winner of a S’mores on a Stick kit from @SciExplorer! Pls RT #MomStorm #
- Sounds like one serious storm is coming our way. #crazyweather #
- Yay! Thanks! RT @busymommymedia: The final winner of a @SciExplorer S'mores on a Stick Kit is @harmonicmama! Congrats! #MomStorm #
- So tomorrow afternoon I have a meeting with an elliptical machine. My goal is to stay on longer, this time maybe 6 minutes. #imawimp #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @wietski @mommyrevenue @msaraann @nolamom76 #
- Wonder what it is? RT @wietski: J.K. Rowling "Pottermore" Website Teases Big Announcement – iVillage: http://t.co/s2Pq00h via @addthis #
- On the agenda today: work; gym; swim and #homeschooling Busy day! #
- Canceled @Tivo in 2010. They stopped charging for 2 mths then started again. 6 mths of charges since canceling & they won't refund it. #fail #
- Lunch then off to workout and swim! #
- 16 min on elliptical, 16 min on bike and 15 min off walking. Now off to swim. #exercise #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @hiphmschoolmoms @beautifulwreck2 @onbradstreet #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @worldschooled @idzie #