- Absolutely! RT @graytones: Is homeschooling during the summer realistic? I'm talking the 3R's. #homeschool #curriculum #
- I'd love to know too! RT @adversarian: Is there any sort of masterlist for upcoming #unschooling conferences? #
- My oldest asked how she could help the people in Japan. We came across some great resources and ideas online. #unschooling #homeschooling #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @debchitwood @leighbra @idzie @mommyrevenue #
- RT @christinemoers: I spoke with @summerminor personally this afternoon. She has now been admitted. Is aware of all the love and well-wishes #
- Good morning all. #
- RT @familyonbikes: How fair are standardized tests? http://bit.ly/dQzhGx #education #unschooling #homeschooling #
- 3 Thames & Kosmos Little Labs Beginner Experiment Kit for $12.99 at kids.woot http://bit.ly/dUPM0m #homeschooling #science #deal #savings #
- Apple's secretly tracking your IPhone's location since the iOS4 update! http://oreil.ly/gQbVHM #WTF #bigbrother #
- These look cool – 3 Little Labs Beginner Experiment Kit for $12.99 at kids.woot http://bit.ly/dUPM0m #homeschooling #science #deal #savings #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/eUpnVM ? Top stories today via @askthelc @nolamom76 #
- RT @beautifulwreck2: Albert Einstein was homeschooled. I definitely do not want my kids to turn out like him. #homeschool #
- Had a great evening hanging out with friends. Now off to bed. Goodnight all. #
- New post – Opting Out of Standardized Tests http://t.co/H5iBMSP #homeschooling #unschooling #testing #
- Opting Out of Standardized Tests http://t.co/H5iBMSP #homeschooling #unschooling #education #PSSA #
- Thinking about lunch. What are you having? #
- Opting Out of Standardized Tests | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/H5iBMSP via @HarmonicMama #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @somewhatcrunchy @leighbra @avocadogreta #
- Running errands … without the kids! #soquiet #
- Thanks for the RT @nellekeesmeijer: @rachelkruk RT @harmonicmama: Opting Out of Standardized Tests | Harmonic Mama http://t.co/H5iBMSP” #
- Thx!! @FreshAirFamily Follow the cool kids – @BrianWright @FluffyBlackBear @harmonicmama @kimt205 @tgrfan89 COME OUT AND JOIN US SOON!!! #
- Playground an egg dying on the agenda today! #fun #
- Hilarious! RT @PLAYTHISWAY: "mom is this yellow because I peed on it last summer?" http://t.co/qY3BaS4" #
- The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @nolamom76 @idzie @harmonicmama #
- Eggs! #funtimes #crafts #Easter http://t.co/W8KCnNz #
- With the rain I'm not sure if we should hide eggs outside. What are You doing? #easter #egghunt #whattodo #
- Today's breakfast! Chris’ Delicious Whole Wheat Pancakes from Scratch http://t.co/z9rwbJd #yum #recipe #
- Join me on thefoundary.com! http://www.thefoundary.com/invite/jennifer432 #deals #awesomeness #
- So adorable! RT @FamFunBlog
OMGoodness!!!!! CUTEST cupcake toppers EVER!!!!! #DiedOfCuteness –> http://etsy.me/hycyi3 # - The Homeschooling Unschooling Daily is out! http://bit.ly/ihEH0u ? Top stories today via @msaraann @hiphmschoolmoms @askthelc #
- It's a brats and burgers kind of night. #
- Watching Dr. Who and getting ready to be the Easter Bunny! #
- #ifihadatimemachine I'd sell tickets. #DrWho #
- Happy Easter all! #
- The kids woke up at 6:30 and the egg hunt's already over. #canwegobacktobed #