We went to the farm on Friday, as usual. We got lots of great stuff; green peppers, eggplant, basil, potatoes, bunching onions, garlic, carrots, zucchini and of course cucumbers. There was not lettuce this week because of the extreme heat we’ve been having. The latest crop got scorched so we won’t get lettuce for about 2 weeks. ๐ I was sad because we were going to a friends for dinner and I told them we’d bring salad because we were coming from the farm. I had to stop at the store to buy some lettuce, after going to the farm it was strange. Also in our share this week was green beans as many as we could pick but we didn’t have time to go pick any. They also have u-pick sunflowers but again we haven’t had time. Next week I really want to get out there and get some beans.
We had a BBQ with Julie and Susan on Sunday and I used our fresh produce. We grilled zucchini and I roasted some potatoes and onions. I also made a pickled cucumber salad with red onions from Whole Foods and a regular garden salad with tomatoes and carrots. It was a lot of fun and I totally amazed myself by being able to get all the food/salads etc. made in like an hour. I was totally hauling ass. Seda “helped” by washing all the veggies in the sink and then poking holes in the zucchini and cucumber so they “don’t hurt us”. Despite much prodding she never explained how a cucumber or zucchini might hurt us if it didn’t have holes poked in it.
Ahh yes the infamouse zuccinni massacre of “ought three” probably was still fersh in her mind ๐
Fersh is indeed NOT a defineable word, I looked on dictionary.com and in the wikipedia, but it is a German rock star http://www.fersh.germany.ru/
Maybe she was trying to release negative spirits from within the veggies. Most children do seem to believe that vegetables are Evil after all. At least, based upon common reactions when grown-ups try to get children to eat their veggies, it seems so, LOL!
Bell peppers just made their debut at our Farmers’ Market in San Francisco as well. The whole place smelled of chilis. It was awesome!
Maybe the poking of the zucchinis was left over from poking holes in baking potatoes?