There is are no bounds to my geekdom.

I like video games, computers, gadgets and that most deffinately makes me a geek, but since I have become a mother (going on almot 4 years now) I have become a geek of a different kind. I have baby carriers. I love them they are my new “gadget”. I didn’t used to think that I had that many but now that I think about it, I do. I have an Over the Shoulder Baby Holder (OTSBH for those in the know), a pouch type ling, a hip carrier, TWO mobys and a kelty back pack. I am now adding a Mai Tei to the list, look to the right. In my defense the mai tei will allow me to carry either of the girls, it will fit in the diaper bag and it can keep the littlest one from falling into a frying pan or reaching on to a cutting board while I’m cooking. I got a great deal so I’m happy about that too!

So in case your counting I will now have 7 different “things” that allow me to attach my kids to me!

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

3 thoughts on “There is are no bounds to my geekdom.

  1. We have our Baby Bjorn… I love it! Especially now that Abby is big enough to face forward in it! I also have a Maya Wrap, but still have to figure out how it works…


  2. I have a DVD that came with the Maya Wrap. I just haven’t had time to check it out yet. I will definitely check out that site though! Thanks!

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