The strange things that come out of my toddlers mouth.

Seda is now 2.5 and talks ALL the time. She has reached the what’s that? why you doing that? why you put that there? etc… stage. Along with this she says the strangest things. Yesterday she told me a story that she made up that went something like this:

I took my dress off at the train station and then I couldn’t get dressed because a bird pooped on it. Then the bird got caught in a soda trap and got ouchies. I took the bird out of the trap and made it all better. I took it to the hospa-little (hospital) and then he went into a cage and got all better. Someone helped me open the cage and he flew away.
*note: we cut up the rings from the soda 6 packs so birds don’t get caught in them. That’s where I think that came from

The best part is she says stuff like this all the time. She has the best imagination in the world. The other day she was telling us a story about how Will was riding on a camel and Megan, Seda and Dan were looking for him.

Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at

1 thought on “The strange things that come out of my toddlers mouth.

  1. Devos may not have found him, but I do think I saw Will ride by on a camel the other day. You ought to talk to him about that. I don’t know how he finds the time for such things…

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