Tag: unschooling

person holding pen and paper
Posted in Education Life Unschooling

Crafting Impressive Transcripts for Unschoolers: A Detailed Walkthrough

As a parent supporting your unschooled child‘s transition to college, one of the unique challenges you might…

girl playing with bubbles
Posted in Education Family Featured Kids Life Parenting Unschooling

Unschooling in the Post-COVID-19 World: Child-Centered Learning

Introduction – Unschooling in the Post-COVID-19 World The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed several facets of life, and…

Kids standing and talking in an oil paint style
Posted in Education Homeschooling Life

Busting the Socialization Myth: How Homeschooled Children Thrive in a Diverse World

Homeschooling has become an increasingly popular option for families in recent years. One of the concerns many people have about homeschooling is whether or not homeschooled children will get enough social interaction.

Posted in Education Family Featured Homeschooling Kids Parenting

Too Much Screen Time Isn’t The Parent’s Fault

I agree with quite a few things the author says what I don’t agree with is how she places the responsibility of all of this squarely on the parents.

Girl Playing Guitar and Holding Phone
Posted in Education Featured Homeschooling Kids Life Parenting Unschooling

What is Unschooling?

Unschooling and homeschooling are often used interchangeably but are two very different methods of learning or “education”. According to Wikipedia:…

Posted in Education

Article Share: Unschooling: What is it and how one family does it

Thirteen-year-old Fin Hewitt and his 10-year-old brother Rye sport belt knives instead of backpacks. At an age…

Posted in Life

Article Share: How do Unschoolers Turn Out?

Peter Gray has studied how learning happens without any academic requirements at a democratic school. The Boston College research…

Beautiful view of Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park and the stones in the water with the mountains in the background.
Posted in Life Travel

Wordless Wednesday – Grand Teton National Park – Jackson Lake

Blurry screen shot of a texted chapter synopsis.
Posted in Education Family Homeschooling Kids Life

Reading, Writing, and Texting

Homeschooling in our house looks more like unschooling so reading and writing, along with the learning of…

Posted in Education Homeschooling Kids Life Unschooling

3 Great Educational Toys That Promote Learning

Three great educational toys your kids will love.