Water, Weed and Wait!

That’s what our greenhouse looked like on Friday but now our greenhouse is empty! That’s because over the weekend we moved all of our plants into the garden and finished planing any seeds that still needed to be sewn. Now we just water, weed and wait! Continue Reading ….

The Vegetable Garden – Year Three

We finally got our seeds in about a week ago and I’m hoping the fact that we’re staring them in the greenhouse will give them a boost and get them up to speed. This year I have decided to fill the entire garden all 110 squares of it. We have some repair work and tilling…

Thinking about the Vegetable Garden

With the mercury hitting the high 40s yesterday it got me thinking about our garden. This will be our third year of vegetable gardening and each year we get a little bit better at it. Last year was our first foray into Square Foot Gardening . Instead of having crazy mounds like we did our first year we…