Quality Prescription Glasses for Less Than a Tank of Gas.

A few months back my glasses broke when they made their way between my foot and the floor. At that time I decided that I would give contacts a try for the first time in 10 years. I got contacts but after a while was longing for glasses. Not wanting to spend the usual $300 on glasses with all the bells and whistles I started doing some research online and came across a few discount eyeglass providers; Eyeglasses Direct, 39 Dollar Glasses and Zenni Optical, to name a few. I decided to take the leap and go with Zenni Optical.
Once you have chosen your frame you can choose your options. Optional items are things like anit-reflective coating, tinting and clip on polarized sun shades. After that you complete your prescription information. This is where I had my one and only issue. I had my full prescription from the eye Dr. but I did not have my pupillary distance which is the distance between the center of your pupils. They had either not measured this or just not written it down. I came up with a solution I used the following method.
Standing in front of the mirror take a piece of paper, I used a post it note, and fold it to what you think is the distance of your pupils. Now hold it against your forehead, above your eyes, look straight ahead and center the one side over your left pupil. Now, still looking straight ahead note where on the paper the center of your right pupal falls. Take the paper down and fold it at that point, repeat until each side of the paper is centered over each pupil.
Now take the paper and measure it in millimeters, you now have the distance between your pupils. This method worked for me but may not work for everyone. I would suggest that if/when you get your eye exam you ask for them measure your pupillary distance and record it on your prescription.
Once I found my pupillary distance I completed the online form and placed my order. My frames were $9.95 and shipping was $4.95 for a whopping total of $14.90. My glasses shipped about a week after I ordered them and arrived about a week after that.
I have now been wearing these glasses for two months have received many compliments on them. They are good quality, the lenses are clear and I feel good knowing that I spent 1/20th of what I normally spend on glasses. They were so inexpensive and great that I am thinking about getting a couple of other pairs in different colors and styles.
Author: Jennifer
Jennifer is a busy working mother of two who, along with her husband, has chosen to unschool her children. She currently blogs about her experience with the challenges and fun of unschooling along with her love of crafting and cooking at HarmonicMama.com.

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